
Janice S
by Janice S
Made of new and old materials.
I made this for under $10.oo Used the rings from our old worn out fire pit. And old dog chains we had in the shed. Some sanding, black spray paint, a few candle holders and "S" hooks... Waaa Laaaaaa.
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2 of 3 comments
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 15, 2012
    Very creative. This would be pretty inside too if you have high ceilings that can take this size lighting! I like!
  • Janice S Janice S on Jul 15, 2012
    Very true DH & JS... Its easily transformed into any decor. This is just the plain basic base. Mine actually has a humming bird/fairy house hanging in the center. My daughter sugests making it seasonal by changing the center piece and candle colors. I also added mason jar lids, painted to match of course. To keep most of the rain and falling debre out of the jars. (I made slits down the centers to fit over the metal handles of the jars.) I have seen some that use twine instead of chain. THIS IS A BAD IDEA! Candles and Twine Dont Mix. But feel free to open your minds and add your own flair. The ideas could be endless....
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