Sick Tree?

by Lacy
my mother posted pictures of this tree in the yard of her new house. It looks sick to me, any advice?
  12 answers
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 14, 2012
    Is it possible to get a pic of the entire tree? I see sap oozing and some dead leaf curl? How big is the tree?
  • Lacy Lacy on Jul 14, 2012
    I will ask her to for the size and a complete photo - here are others she posted:
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  • Vivian S Vivian S on Jul 14, 2012
    Additionally, is this a sweet cherry tree?
  • Laura K Laura K on Jul 14, 2012
    Hi, the tree is on my property. I only just moved here and don't know what kind of tree it is. I just went out to take additional photos and was surprised to see how rapidly it appears to be deteriorating.
  • Laura K Laura K on Jul 14, 2012
    Hi, the tree is on my property. I only just moved here and don't know what kind of tree it is. I just went out to take additional photos and was surprised to see how rapidly it appears to be deteriorating. This is in Central Texas and we are in the midst of a terrible drought, but we also had a terrific thunderstorm the other night which might have been the cause of the branches breaking off.
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    • Judy Judy on Oct 06, 2016
      this looks like a borer....get rid of it...too far gone. Sorry
  • Vivian S Vivian S on Jul 14, 2012
    Laura, this tree looks like a goner to me but I am not an expert. The picture that shows the trunk looks like the bark is pulled away and missing in places which makes me believe the tree is not salvageable. I wondered about it being a sweet cherry because they have a lot of sap. Your poor tree seems to suffer from some kind of damage. Is this the only tree in the yard? If you have other trees you might want to examine them to see whether you have a bug at work.
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 14, 2012
    I don't think your tree is salvageable. The best course of action is to take the tree out and replant with something desirable.
  • Laura K Laura K on Jul 14, 2012
    Thanks... This is two lots with many trees, and a wooded area to one side... but that one is more isolated over near the street. I looked at some of the trees around it and did not see any other problems.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jul 15, 2012
    I would remove it promptly lest that be something that can spread.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jul 15, 2012
    looks like fire wood now....sorry to say.
  • Laura K Laura K on Jul 16, 2012
  • Judy Judy on Oct 06, 2016
    looks like a blight...get rid of it.