Making a Garbage Pick Beautiful!

Somewhat Quirky
by Somewhat Quirky
5 Hours
I never would have picked up this rather shabby piece from a neighbor's trash pile. But my friend did. It's a corner piece to what I'm sure is a lovely Ficks Reed sectional. It's well made and really cleaned up beautifully.
This corner piece - while oddly shaped for use alone, is actually pretty comfy - and definitely worth recovering.
The cushions were still nice despite the burned area. After I removed the cushion covers and made a pattern for the new covers, I covered the naked cushions with muslin to smooth out the rough edges.
It really turned out beautifully. And with or without an ottoman it's pretty dang comfortable.
It's also the perfect size for this very small screened porch. More pictures and information available in the blog post.
Somewhat Quirky
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 71 comments
  • Lisa Lin Lisa Lin on Apr 17, 2015
    I FOUND ONE TODAY! from the dumpster in my neighborhood. I'm so excited and found your post while researching. I'm in love with this chair, tho it needs some reno. I DO believe it's from the same line as your friend's chair.
    comment photo
  • Lisa Lin Lisa Lin on May 12, 2015
    WOW would you look at that! I've never seen springs in a rattan chair! THe original chair I have comes with these straps that are stretched very tightly across the bottom. If you can look closely there are grooves on two sides that the ends of the straps goes into..Yes, i found them here (i will get them eventually) : I just wish i could find the original seat cushions