Redoing kitchen counters

Debbie Swanson
by Debbie Swanson
I have ugly pink counters in my kitchen - the old laminate kind. I want to upgrade or do whatever I can to change it, economically. Please, help!
  18 answers
  • Winnie Conners Winnie Conners on Sep 08, 2014
    My daughter covered my counter tops with a granite looking contact paper and I am thrilled with the results.
  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 09, 2014
    We used the Rustoleum countertop transformations, pebble Ivory- Still looks great three years later- $250-$300 and worth every penny. Words to the wise - It's s really a two man project for it to go smoothly. They also have a cabinet transformation kits too- Home Depot or Lowes-
  • Laura Laura on Sep 09, 2014
    I did a lot of reading on the Rustoleum countertop transformations because I too am planning on changing my laminate countertops on a budget. I found it did not have very good reviews. Then I came across a lady who sanded and primed with Kilz oil based primer. Then painted with Acrylic paint and top off with 4 coats of clear polyurethane. She said it has been 10yrs and going strong.
    • Rachel Medina Rachel Medina on Sep 10, 2014
      @Laura I didnt have a very good experience with the Rustoleum product either. So painted over it with leftover latex paint I had and used acrylic paints and a sponge, topped it off with polyuurethane also. I ended up doing my bathroom counters as well. I can say it was 10 years ago since not sure when they came out with the product. I had True Value order for me, since I live in a small town. It looks like granite and I have friends that ended up doing theirs also because they love mine so much. It has held up really well. I do add a coat of poly once a year.
  • Emma Taylor Emma Taylor on Sep 09, 2014
    I just ordered this kit, but haven't used it yet:
    • Cindy D. Cindy D. on Sep 09, 2014
      @Emma Taylor that looks very interesting to me - I would love to hear how yours comes out! I have read that with painting the countertops you have to be careful of putting hot things on them. Of course I would use hotpads under pots, but how hot is too hot - is a hot dinner plate too much? I am leery of spending lots of money and effort (ok, some money but lots of effort.) and not being satisfied with the results.
  • Betty Betty on Sep 09, 2014
    I have seen posts on Hometalk using paint to transform laminate countertops. Unfortunately, I couldn't locate them. I did a google search (with the key words: painted kitchen countertops) and these posts offer techniques similar to the one I thought I read on this site. I apologize if I should be crediting someone who posts here.
    • Laura Laura on Feb 16, 2015
      @Betty Thank you so much for the links. I enjoyed reading them both. I always like to ready all the different possibilities of ways to do a project then my educated guess how which way is best for me.
  • Dee Dee on Sep 09, 2014
    I had the same ugly countertops when I recently bought my home. Being on a budget I went to Home Depot and bought 2 cans of Rustoleum for painting plastic, I lightly sanded the surface of the laminate, taped of the backsplash and proceeded to spray the entire countertop. I let this cure for 24 hours although it dried in half an hour, and then put on a second coat. It was a total success!! It's holding up well, easy to clean and the best part is down the road it can be touched up if need be. I used a neutral bisque color but the color variety is endless. Go for it you have nothing to lose!! Good Luck!
    • Cindy D. Cindy D. on Sep 09, 2014
      @Dee Did you use a food-grade sealant on the counters? I don't personally prepare food on the counter, but other people in my house do. I have heard that it could be important.
  • Dee Dee on Sep 09, 2014
    Hi Cindy, no I didn't use any type of sealant. I have a large cutting board I always use so it's not an issue for me.
  • Ceiling Tiles By Us Ceiling Tiles By Us on Sep 09, 2014
    Hi Dee, If you would like to restore your cabinets, check out these beautiful and easy DIY backsplashes. These are inexpensive, easy to cut and install and you can do it yourself. They come in rolls and are made of PVC. I have attached several photos for you so you can see some projects our customers have done restoring bars, cabinets, vanities and more. They come in many colors such as silver,white, white pearl, silver, antique copper, antique silver and many more. They are also paintable with an water based paint. If you are interested contact us at or visit our webste
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  • Kimberly Kimberly on Sep 09, 2014
    We had laminate countertops and found butcher block type boards at Lowes. We nails the boards right on top of laminate. We also used heavy duty wood glue.
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  • Anna @Annabode Anna @Annabode on Sep 10, 2014
    Go for butcher block! But you may need to paint your cabinets so it doesn't clash. Good luck!
  • Kimberly Kimberly on Sep 10, 2014
    @Cindy- it's called Aspen Pine. They are pre-made out of smaller pieces that have been glued together. The we used beveled door trim that matched as close as we could find for the edges. And actually we didn't nail the top of the counter, we just glued it and put heavy weights on it. After it was done, I sanded it with a fine grit, then used mineral oil about 4 nights in a row to "seal" it from water. Best part is, if it gets any scratches or stains, just sand it down a bit.
  • CK CK on Sep 11, 2014
    Paint it with Rustoleum countertop paint (it comes many colors) or use one of the countertop painting kits if you're looking for a granite look. Rustoleum has one too as well as several other companies. Also, the idea of the repositionable Contact paper is a good one. I used that on the counter next to our stove and frig in our former home and it worked and looked great! All very economical :-)
  • Patti Patti on Sep 11, 2014
    love the wood counters! I'm thinking of repainting my cabinets with rustoleum cabinet transformation kit...has anyone had good success with this product? I've read you don't need much sanding or prep work?
  • Maggie Bancroft Maggie Bancroft on Sep 11, 2014
    I did my counters with the Rustoleum laminate paint and I am not happy with it. First off, it has terrible fumes and it took a couple of weeks to set properly. Not convenient at all. I am looking to do something else but I don't know what yet. Maybe regular paint and several coats of poly. I love the butcher block counters. Nice job!
  • Devon Townsend Devon Townsend on Jan 28, 2015
    I decoupaged mine, then several coats of polyurethane, cost was $25.00 and I have a huge kitchen
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    • Ginny Ginny on Feb 22, 2016
      Devon, I replied on the wrong area. I love what you did.
  • KatAych KatAych on Feb 22, 2016
    We painted ours to look like travertine, then sealed it with epoxy.
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    • Liona Shareing Liona Shareing on Aug 19, 2016
      Hi, would you let me know what brand of epoxy you used. I've had a real problem with the rustoleam 3x thick polyurethane that I applied to my kitchen counters. I used zinnser 123 primer, then copper metalic paint, then the poly. I gave it 24 hrs between each layer. The area at my sink is bubbling up and when I put anything wet on my counters, I get a white mark although it goes away
  • Pjakin61 Pjakin61 on Sep 26, 2016
    we did cedar 1x8s and 1x10s,,,,,,,,sanded and sealed, We don't cut on our counterops so didn't use food grade, used danish oil....easy to touch up with cloth as needed....looks so good