It's Mum Time!

It is fall y'all and the garden centers and even grocery stores have mums blooming and ready for you to buy! They are one of the easiest plants I have ever found to grow.
Seriously, they really have no pest problems, diseases, drought tolerant, and love full sun. I grow them in hard red clay which right now which is hard as a rock from drought conditions all summer. They are so easy to maintain and if you believe you have to deadhead, well, I am here to tell you that I don't. I am not one for pruning and deadheading. I am a natural kind of gal...lazy if you want to call it that...
When you buy them, I have to caution you about floral mums and hardy mums. Many places like the Walmart, and this is in my years of experience, they are not hardy mums for many lower zones. I do not buy from them but that is another story for another day.
Lowe's and Home Depot have great selections and they are relatively cheap and you get a lot of bang for your buck. You can keep mums in pots or put them in the ground. There are early bloomers and late bloomers. There are all kinds of colors and shapes now. However, I grow yellow ones. I love yellow in the fall garden because next to my Autumn Joy Sedum they look so bright and cheery. Plus yellow has performed where others have fizzled.
Chrysanthemums, if we should use proper names, should be bought with buds instead of blooms on them if you are going to put them in the ground. In all reality without buds and blooms would be best but in the retailing world blooms sell. Just keep them watered but do not drench them. They would rather be dried out than wet. Just make sure that the mums you are buying zone hardy.
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Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!
Mums and Sedum are great companions in my garden
This one is an early bloomer since late August.
this is my late bloomer on the bottom. Setting buds but will bloom about mid October
The Garden Frog with C Renee
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  • Jmohr Jmohr on Aug 26, 2016
    Do you cut the sedum back in the fall/winter. I live in the midwest
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