What in the world can I do with these?

Mary T
by Mary T
My Dad died in April and I brought his shoes home from the hospital. I have not been able to get myself to throw them out even though they are so ugly. Any creative ideas on what I could do with them? Thanks so much!!
  17 answers
  • Dale324 Dale324 on Sep 15, 2014
    maybe use them as a planter see photo
    comment photo
  • Carole Carole on Sep 15, 2014
    If they are still wearable, donate to a homeless or street person. They will do some good there. If you are determined to keep them, plant them up, but they will deteriorate very quickly once you do that due to moisture from soil and rain.
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Sep 15, 2014
    I am so sorry about the loss of your dad. My own dad died in 1992, and once in awhile, I just find myself thinking "I need to show this to Dad", or something like that, and it makes me catch my breath in renewed grief. As to the shoes, if you want to keep them, maybe paint them with a thin mixture of cement to protect them, then use them as planters? If you've seen pictures of planters made with fabric dipped in cement mix, it would be along those lines, but you'd paint them with a brush or something.
  • SOandJO SOandJO on Sep 16, 2014
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost mine years ago but, find him in the weirdest places.Just park them by the back door, or garage or outside. Wherever you'd expect to, or like to, find your dad. It'll bring a gentle comfort when you see them.
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 16, 2014
      @SOandJO what a great idea and after a while the tears of seeing them will bring smiles of remembrance.
  • Mary T Mary T on Sep 16, 2014
    I love the idea of making them into planters and SoandJo I will use your idea also. I will do some research on painting them with cement, then paint them a cheerful color and plant something in them. Thank you so much ladies, you are all awesome!! Hugs to everyone that has lost a Dad!!!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 17, 2014
    Sorry for your loss! Why do you have to throw them out? And they are not ugly by any means...they made many steps on the feet of a man you obviously loved so dearly. Place them somewhere that you will see them every morning when you start your day; say a prayer of thanks to God that you had a wonderful dad and that every child gets a great dad! So many kids grow up with monsters. And as we have seen in the news lately....some are rich and famous!
  • Karen Karen on Sep 17, 2014
    I'm sorry that you lost your Dad. I remember when my Dad passed I used to wear his big bathrobe and think of him. After time, I gave it up. I think if you simply hang on to the shoes something will happen and you will know what to do with them.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Sep 19, 2014
    Yes I agree with Jeannette and Karen, give yourself time, if you want to turn them into something It will come to you, but I think it is fine to keep them where you can see them once in a while. I line my dresser drawers with drawings from my children and now my grand children, when I am going through the drawer I see the gift and it makes me smile. It doesn't matter if it's silly love is silly and wonderful and worth cherishing.
  • Mary T Mary T on Sep 19, 2014
    Lee, I love what you do with your grandkids drawings! I have been framing my favorites. I love children's art. As far as my Dads shoes, they are just sitting in my craft room for now. I can see making them into planters next spring.
  • RUTH RUTH on Jan 23, 2015
    Sorry for the loss of your dad. I understand the feelings of grief you experience even these many years afterward. My dad passed in '95, and I still can't talk about him without tearing up. My husband passed last November, and I put lovely plants that sit in small pots into his shoes. I love looking out on my back deck and seeing them there holding alive things of beauty.
  • Mary T Mary T on Jan 24, 2015
    Ruth, I am so sorry you lost your husband. I do love what you do with his shoes! I understand you still tearing up about your Dad, my Mom died in 94 and I still tear up too. I can't imagine loosing my husband though. Hugs to you!!
  • Denisehffmann Denisehffmann on Jan 24, 2015
    I hope that you donated the braces. You can donate med equiptment of all kinds to be reused. Goodwill is just one of many organizations that refurbish med equiptment for those in need. Another great option is a Indian Reservation, or the VA.
  • Eme255294 Eme255294 on Jan 24, 2015
    You could turn just the shoes into doorstops.
  • Debbie Harris Debbie Harris on Jan 24, 2015
    You could use the shoes to make impressions in the ground around your garden and fill the impressions with cement and level off the top. Then you have your Dad's steps around your garden or to a place where you can go sit and just be at peace with him.
  • Mary T Mary T on Jan 26, 2015
    Oh Debbie, that is the best idea ever! I am going to do that. Thank you sooooo much! hugs, Mary
  • Mary T Mary T on Jan 26, 2015
    Denise, the braces are going to a veteran. Thankyou!
  • Kaioverbeck Kaioverbeck on Mar 21, 2015
    I would put them in my bedroom briefly sticking out from under a chair. It will be there to remember your dad. I love the idea. RIP daddy