Creating Velvet Pumpkins for Pennies!

All of the fabrics I used were vintage. I searched my house for fabrics that I could use. I found a old skirt, bed ruffle, nightie, etc.
See my latest post for details. At Anne's Attic - design blog
Use just about anything to embellish the pumpkins.
These darling pumpkins I mod podged with scraps of fabric. Use any fabric that you have on hand, make sure that the mod podge that you use is for fabric, and I cut the width about 2" .
This one I even put pearls and a rose on top! All you have to do is jump in and do it. I already had all of my supplies on hand so it didn't cost me a penny. The only problem is I can't keep them around long enough because family and friends love them and I end up giving them away!

Life is LOVERLY!


Anne's Attic - design
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