Help me hide these pig pens for funky art and vintage show

Cathy Kurpil
by Cathy Kurpil
OK my first booth set up for show, only spot that is left is in front of the pig pens! Oink, oink (pigs will not be there :() I only have a few days to figure this out. 20 ft across. I've got artist panels (for paintings, that will go in the middle,12 ft, which leaves one pen on each side 4 ft each) I am broke so I can't invest a lot of money here. Thanks for any suggestions! Help!
each pen is 4ft wide
  10 answers
  • C C on Sep 17, 2014
    keeping your "almost-zero" budget in mind....... you can cut thrift store sheets/curtains into strips & tie to a rope... then tie that to the pen gates :) Boards run across the tops of the pens would also give additional {& raised} display space! This could be a BIG space/display advantage ;)
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    • Kathie taylor Kathie taylor on Sep 18, 2014
      @Cathy Kurpil This is a great idea and I would have suggested the same. I did LOTS of craft shows. Store your carry boxes and the like in there until it's over. Remember the prettier your station the more visitors! If using tables as well, don't forget tablecloths or sheets to cover them.
  • Jen @ Do Measurably More Jen @ Do Measurably More on Sep 17, 2014
    Old vintage and funky shutters hinged in groups and arranged artfully at slight angles, in varying colors and heights! These would attract the eye, hide the unsightly, provide a place to hang your items/marketing materials, and could even be priced for sale, if that's the sort of item you're selling. I must have shutters on my mind, since I recently wrote about them, but I think they'd be a darling perfect mix!!
  • Karen Karen on Sep 17, 2014
    Make a sort of Pillow Case for them. You should be able to use inexpensive fabric or anything you've got hanging around, measure for height & width and trace the shoulders of the gate and follow the tracing. Leave an opening in the seams for the latches. When I was selling my house I didn't have a headboard and I knew that the house would show better with one. I got some PVC pipe (2") and fashioned almost the identical shape that you have on these gates. I used a shower curtain, folded it in half, made side seams and then traced and sewed the shoulders. Just use sheets or whatever you've got around or maybe someone will donate something they've got, an old bedspread, or whatever. You'll be able to use them again if they are fabric, just throw them in the wash for the next show. (I live in Boston, I've never seen a pig pen and I was glad to hear the pigs won't be there, although I think they can be so cute!)
  • Karen Karen on Sep 17, 2014
    If the hinges and/or latches become a problem, measure, fold and sew only to the top of the hinge, sort of like a hood, and just hang it over the top of the gate, short in the back, full-length in the front.
  • Rustic & Refined Rustic & Refined on Sep 17, 2014
    I'd try and work with them instead of against them....maybe pretend that they're antique booths instead of pig pens....and decorate them that way. Hang the art from those shelves and leave those gates wide open. like little mini decorated cubicles. If you have any leftover wood, lay that across the tops of the walls and make more table space to lay stuff?
  • Cathy Kurpil Cathy Kurpil on Sep 17, 2014
    The booth is actually set up to be right in front of them :(.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Sep 18, 2014
    You can locate some large cartons and wrap them in wrapping paper,place in each ends of your display,or if you can't find large cartons or don't have the space to travel with them ,pick up some smaller cartons wrap with wrapping paper and stack them into towers!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 18, 2014
    Paint some pallets bright colors and temporarily tie them to this area (wire ties works well for this...quick and no trouble, easily removed with scissors! (Make sure you wire tie the gates shut too so they won't unexpectedly open). You can water down paint so it can look stained! You can pick up mis-matched cans cheaply at the big box stores. If yo have a spray gun, pick a color scheme and go with it! Remember, bright is more fun. Don't try to decorate, make it fun and just HIDE the pens! Attach some hooks if you need hanging space! If space to transport stuff is a problem, just drape a couple of canvas drop cloths over them.
  • Z Z on Sep 18, 2014
    Why not attach salable items to the wire gate with wooden cloths pins? If not items for sale then signs or photos or anything decorative?
  • Kelly lemire Kelly lemire on Oct 22, 2014
    hang pictures, art work, quilts, linens etc on gates, behind gate put tables and put breakables on tables that way people can still reach things off tables and you will have more floor space for other things in rest of area