Weeds in my sedum

Tanya L M
by Tanya L M
Don't know the how or the why - but this year the sedum is chock full of weeds - I don't want to have to rip it all out just to get to the weeds - ideas? suggestions? if you want photos let me know and I will post on Sat. Thanks
  4 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Sep 20, 2014
    Photos always help, but if the weeds are thoroughly mixed in the sedums there is really nothing you can do but hand-pull them. If you use pliers and grab as close to the base of the weed as possible, you will have the best chance of not disturbing the nearby sedum.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Sep 21, 2014
    Don't know what kind of sedum you have. We just dug up a perennial bed that grass, etc. had invaded. The sedum was the low growing type. It was easy to place the pieces back in the redug soil. We just watered and it's doing fine.
  • Carol S Carol S on Sep 21, 2014
    There are weed & feed products that you could use safely - I believe Preen makes one. hat is what I would use for low ggrowing or creeping type of Sedum. However, the tall fall flowering is is tougher. If the weeds are inside the clump - I would dig it up, carefully shake out the loose soil and submerge just the roots in water. This will allow you to break up the plant roots while at the same time releasing the roots of the weeds. Turn the area soil over and remove any root material you find the replant. Easier than it looks in writing, abit time consuming but I believe that will get you the best results.
  • Rand Rand on Mar 24, 2021

    Pull the weeds this time and going forward do a pre-emergent treatment with either Preen or Amaze about every 6-to 8 weeks. I have a sedum groundcover on stairs. This keeps them weed free year round. Personally, I use Amaze because it's 100 percent corn gluten and I have strawberries nearby.