What Would You Do With This Old Vanity??

Candace Belknap
by Candace Belknap
Is it ever ok to paint an antique? If this piece belonged to you, would you refinish
or paint, or keep it in it's original condition? I have not been able to sell this piece as it is!
I appreciate any input!
  15 answers
  • Jill R. Wright Jill R. Wright on Sep 21, 2014
    Personally, I think if you want to paint it, then paint it! Antiques are wonderful but sometimes their colors don't harmonize with current décor and painting it a new modern color makes it blend easier into our homes and gives a softer appearance. I say paint it!
  • Barbara P Barbara P on Sep 21, 2014
    I have a dresser like this.I am going to paint after I (1st Strip) ( #2 Sand like crazy) ( #3 Paint and sand) (#4) ( #5 ...go on and do it again) (6 clear or dark wax) finished. You have nice legs on the dresser!!! It should look great!!! thanks,,,,,babs
  • Z Z on Sep 21, 2014
    It's very hard to tell from the photos if there's any discernible wood grain. I'm a big lover of wood grain and truly hate to see good wood painted, so if the grain is pretty, I'd restore it. Restoring means, to carefully strip the current finish to the raw wood and refinish it as similar to it's original glory as possible. Since you're selling it, if you don't have the proper clientele visiting your shop, then I'd suggest carefully taking it apart to make int two bedside night stands. I don't know how many times I've seen on decorating boards over the last couple decades of ladies looking for narrow night stands to fit in small rooms. The style of these would work well for shabby chic. Depending on how the mirror was attached, you might be able to sell it as a wall mirror as it would be great for checking ones back side to make sure one looked good from both sides. Good luck and please come back and show us what you did.
  • Candace Belknap Candace Belknap on Sep 22, 2014
    Hi Becky, there really isn't any wonderful wood grain. I too, love the look of wood, and would consider restoring it, simply because it is an antique! What an interesting idea to make 2 nightstands! I perhaps may look into your suggestion! Thank you, and I will let you know!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 22, 2014
    Personally, I love this piece unpainted...but then the dark, glossy woods are my style! It appears to me to be of the 30s-40's era. While it would be stunning spruced up or painted, before I painted, I would check the construction and things like how well the drawers closed (warped?). My first inclination is to wipe it really well with damp cloths (several times) to remove the grime, touch it up with a little stain over the scratched areas and then rub it down with a good, dark Old English oil. If you are in the resale business, you have to do what you think will sell. The light, off white AS paint with a dark wax is gorgeous! Please post finished photos.
  • Sonja Sonja on Sep 22, 2014
    I wouldn't sell it; this Mirrors are just perfect! Every respected house should have such a set of mirrors, where you can see yourself from all sides - check your appearance before you go out. After you clean your Psyche from basic dirt, rub in the wood only plain linseed oil; that's what the restorers use.
  • Bar539156 Bar539156 on Sep 22, 2014
    I have one also,planning to refinish it.
  • Carole Carole on Sep 22, 2014
    Paint away. It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it and seems they are not willing to buy in the original condition. Good luck!
  • Lori Lori on Sep 22, 2014
    I can't believe you couldn't sell it. It's amazing. I think it depends totally on what you are going to do with it afterward and if keeping it for yourself, then do what YOU would like in your house. I'm sure you know, once you do anything to it, it's less valuable as an antique, but to someone who wants it white with mirrored or glass knobs for their little girls room...........the skies the limit,
  • Lynette Tate Lynette Tate on Sep 22, 2014
    I would remove the mirror and cut the vanity to make matching night stands and most definitely paint it !
  • PattyAnn PattyAnn on Sep 22, 2014
    Wow - I love it and would have bought it. I would use a chalk paint or the new General Finishes "milk" paint which is awesome. It covers anything without sanding and doesn't need any finishing coat like polyurethane or wax. Check out the blog Pretty in Paint.
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Sep 22, 2014
    I have thought about painting this many times, but, after removing all the damaged veneer and sanding and cleaning it, I ended up with this and it has it's own charm. I traded another furniture item for this, after it had been stored on a back porch for at least two years before I found it. If you're looking for a vintage piece, this is great for displaying things on. The drawers are my nightstand on the right as you look at it, and I store accessories in the left side drawers. Ultimately, you will be the one enjoying it.
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  • Candace Belknap Candace Belknap on Sep 22, 2014
    That looks really nice! I decided today, to go ahead and strip to see what it looks like. Then I will make a decision on what the next step will be! I really like my piece, but I don't have room for it, and I actually bought it to sell. I buy pieces to paint and sell, but I just had to take a second look at this piece before jumping in and painting!
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Sep 23, 2014
    Sounds like a good plan! Sometimes it's worth a little elbow grease and a step back.
  • Vic Vic on Sep 23, 2014
    When in doubt, paint it black. It'll sell in a heartbeat. At twice what you originally priced it.