To Many Projects?

Are you stressing because you have to many projects going on in your life? Blogging, crafting, designing and all the other things that go on in our life can take a toll on us. Has it you?
Mess of fabric . .
books I have started . . .
crocheting projects to finish . . .
sewing project to finish . .
I would love to hear from you just how you handle so many things going on in your life.

(See my blog for more) I have found that I am happiest when I am the busiest. I love my life and I would change it for the world. But there was a time in my life when I wouldn't have said that. Right now I am doing what I love the most and that is including family, friends, my faith in God, and I have found a new love blogging, with the new found friends that I have made I have a charmed life. Thank you all for being in it!

I would love to hear your comments. See Anne's Attic - design or my Facebook page.

Life is LOVERLY when we do what we love!

((HUGS)) Jo
Anne's Attic - design
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