Kitchen faucet "thumps" then loses pressure

by Robin
My kitchen sink will sometimes "thump" then lose most of the water pressure and flow. I can turn handle down then back up and will regain the pressure. The sprayer doesn't work. I have messed with the sprayer, to no avail. When try to use sprayer, the water will "thump" and lose pressure that way also. I have also "messed" with the center (where single faucet connects to the base of assembly). Not much luck there, either. Could it be the "seats" in each handle? I replaced a seat about 2 years ago, but has gotten progressively worse over time. The faucet did this even prior to replacing the seat on the cold side. Confused.
  3 answers
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Sep 24, 2014
    This happened in my parent's house when I was younger. It was some kind of plumping problem I remember. I bet @Woodbridge Environmental could give you a good idea on what's happening.
  • Robin Robin on Sep 25, 2014
    I do know it is somewhere within the faucet. I didn't see any way to contact them directly? I'm kinda new to this site.
  • Robin Robin on Sep 29, 2014
    Thanks for the answer, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.