Need helpful advice on winterizing a koi pond

Karen W
by Karen W
My husband built the small koi pond you see in the pictures (and from the previous post I shared) earlier this year when our Bassett Hound passed away in her memory. We have thoroughly enjoyed it. But now, as summer is nearing fall, we have a lot of questions about what we need to do to winterize it. Will we need a heater? Do we run the fountain all winter? Do we remove the plants? Will the water lily survive over winter...etc. etc. etc.! We live in Tennessee, so our winters are mild. We do have a "deep" end in the center of the pond for the fish to go down deeper. Any advice?
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4 of 18 comments
  • Pia Pia on Feb 02, 2013
    It is possible to keep koi through the winter. I am in northern Ontario where the winters are incredibly cold and we have kept koi in our pond for 4 years now with none lost. The pond is 4 feet in the middle rising to 2 foot ledges on the sides. We turn off and pull out our pumps and put away our filters and add salt to the pond. We run a bubbler about 8 inches from the edge of the pond and run a floating heater (not intended to heat the pond but to keep a hole open for gas exchange in the coldest weather). The dome acts as a greenouse of sorts and keeps the cold winds off of the pond's surface. Will soon be time to expand the pond as the fish have grown considerably over the past 4 years.
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  • Connie Connie on Oct 09, 2016
    We live in South Carolina and have a small Koi/goldfish pond. We have never lost a fish in the winter. (on real cold nites we set up a heat lamp over the pond) Our pond is 2 feet deep with ledges.
    • See 1 previous
    • Min13752095 Min13752095 on Nov 08, 2016
      Karen I live in Old Hickory Tenn. I have two ponds I got a heater from co op to keep cattle water from freezing. works good.