What to do with all those baby/school pictures.

Donna R
by Donna R
When a friend was redoing an older home, he gave us a few exterior moldings from above his windows. I painted, distressed and stenciled three of them and used them to make a display of our children's photos. I used inexpensive frames but painted them all alike, using solid, plain ones for our son and more detailed ones for our daughter. The baby pictures start at the bottom of the stairs and they go up to their high school pictures at the top. The stairs lead up to their rooms. They are grown now and our son has moved away. He enjoyed showing this to his fiance the first time she visited. I think both kids like showing their gallery of childhood photos. They also like to point and laugh at how goofy they think the other one looks.
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2 of 13 comments
  • Donna R Donna R on Nov 01, 2012
    @Sharon B I know they enjoy having their music room. Who is the drummer in the family? My son plays drums. Everything is so neat and nice. Oh and I love the black and white pictures above the instruments. I like all the colors.
  • Sharon B Sharon B on Nov 01, 2012
    @Donna R gee did not notice those in the pic, I better b careful on taking pics, u never know haha......yes nice for sure, her fiancee's son plays and I play the drums as well...haha...use to play jamborees and country stuff, no end to my talents...haha, they had a fire upstairs and just redid it, one of the boys had left a blanket plugged in ughhhhh and went home from the weekend and they had no idea, wow, was all burned and loss everything upstairs....... it is an old home and she redid it all, they were lucky and he is a fireman and had lots of help too.......here r pics of the fire, and it is so nice now.....did some work downstairs too, in fact I am just noticing it was just before Halloween last year, Oct. 21, have to call her tomorrow
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