Red Adds Highlights to a Kitchen

The 2 Seasons
by The 2 Seasons
Pops of red really enhance the decor in our custom white kitchen. See it here:
Red Highlights
The 2 Seasons
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2 of 3 comments
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 04, 2012
    Love red accents. A few years ago I decided to add a pop of red to my kitchen so I bought a chandiler to hang over the breakfast table. Before it even got dusty, one of those TV staging shows threw out one just like mine! I laughed because I know I will never throw this out...I will only repurpose it when I change colors!
    comment photo
  • Tammy Kerr Sides Tammy Kerr Sides on Sep 09, 2012
    I was visiting at a persons home one day and saw that she had used round flower planters to hold things in her kitchen (spatulas, whisks, etc). I can see using any color that complements you kitchen color scheme.