What color do I paint my bedroom?

by Doris
Putting oak laminate flooring in my bedroom, painting furniture white and bought a white duvet, what color should I paint my walls.
  10 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 29, 2014
    I'd purchase your accessories before you chose a wall color.
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Sep 29, 2014
    I think it's all person preference, but one great thing is that you really can't go wrong! With white furniture and a white duvet nothing is locking you into one specific color! I would maybe do a faded red color or even keep it neutral taupe and add color with artwork and throw pillows etc!
  • Doris Doris on Sep 29, 2014
    I was thinking maybe a gray , but I don't know if it would look good with oak flooring
    • Hannah V Hannah V on Sep 29, 2014
      @Doris funny you mention that, because my color scheme in my room right now is gray and white! With similar wood floors. I added color through a few fun pillows, a painting and yellow paisley curtains. I think gray is a great choice!
  • Shari Shari on Sep 29, 2014
    Are you planning a rug, fabric window treatments or artwork that will dictate color(s), to some degree? I usually find it easier to pick a wall color when I use artwork or fabric as my color inspiration. If you like gray, that would certainly work too. It is a very hot color right now and since it is considered a neutral, it works with all colors, even browns, i.e., your oak floor. I'm very visual so it always helps me if I see a picture (or two, or three..) so google images of "gray walls oak floors" on the internet or over at Pinterest and you'll be able to get a better idea of how those two elements look together once you see a few photos. Here's one picture I found to get you started.
    comment photo
  • Doris Doris on Sep 29, 2014
    Thank y'all so much , I hate picking paint colors . I like that picture you sent me . I am putting a lot of work in this room and I want it to be so pretty .
  • The Chirping Frog The Chirping Frog on Sep 30, 2014
    What do you want the color to do? Pop, neutral backdrop, cool and calm or deep and mysterious? With so much white and neutral flooring you really can do anything you want. I usually pick a rug or fabric and build from that. In my bedroom I chose a wallpaper for the ceiling that "I had to have" and built the room around that.
  • Bev Bev on Oct 03, 2014
    I always buy the curtains before I paint and then pick a color of paint to match.
  • Shari Shari on Oct 14, 2014
    I know it's been a couple weeks since you asked about paint colors but tonight I came across something I thought you might like to see, just in case you are still on the fence about using gray paint on your walls with your oak floors. Check out these links to and entire home done in grays, white and black with wood floors, and a dining room of another home. I think these colors look so sophisticated together! http://dearlillieblog.blogspot.com/2014/10/jasons-full-house-tour-lots-of-before.html http://dearlillieblog.blogspot.com/2014/10/some-subtle-fall-touches-in-our-dining.html
  • Carol Tomlin Carol Tomlin on Dec 13, 2014
    I always choose something to be the inspiration for the room. For a bedroom it is usually the bed covering. In my bedroom I used an antique wood & wrought iron sewing machine table as an inspiration do do the bedroom set over. It is stained wood with painted black satin drawers accented with glass knobs. It came out awesome ! The floor in my bedroom is like the one in your photo and my walls are silver (Martha Stewert Metalics / I would never use it again/ too expensive & VERY difficult) The silver looks nice with the floor and the black,white & red color scheme. For my living room it would be the peaceful pale aqua wall color. Then the grape lamp & the ragged ruffle scatter rugs I made couch pillows with to accent are cream, shades of aqua, plum, royal blue. I am sitting here enjoying this room as I write.
  • LBU10658544 LBU10658544 on Sep 21, 2016
    Use the app "Paint Tester". Take a picture of your room and you can paint the walls different colors until you find one you like.