How to replace caulk around a pedestal sink?

Debra K.
by Debra K.
The caulk is starting to crack, what kind is best, also how to remove it (utility knife?), also what kind of prep before replacing caulk?
  4 answers
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Sep 30, 2014
    You didn't say what kind of flooring you have under the sink, but a 5 in one tool is great for this sort of thing. If it's tile, a razor is good too. Just make sure it's clean, I use a spray bottle of ammonia and water all the time. A silicone based caulk made for this purpose can be found even at Walmart.
  • Debra K. Debra K. on Sep 30, 2014
    Pretty sure what to do, just needed some moral support, (: I think latex caulk is best for this job, it is easier to remove again in the future, Thanks for your input!!!
    comment photo
  • You know the manicure tool you use for pushing back your cuticles? It's curved and when you hold it curved side up, it works great to remove the old caulking.
  • You can also apply a little heat to the caulking using your hair dryer.