I would like to paint on pine paneling to give it a beach look, would

I would like a beach look. What grey stain should I get.
  1 answer
  • The stain is only part of the equation on this. If its raw pine panels, you would apply the color right on the wood, if its already stained you will need to prep the wood to accept a new color. In any case the same color in the can will look different depending upon the current condition of the wood itself. As far as what color gray, you will need to experiment on that. There are dozens of gray colors and each will look different depending upon the pine wood its covering. You can purchase very small cans of stain to experiment in small locations such as behind furniture, or around outlets when the covers are removed. You will only get a small spot to work with doing it that way, but it may be enough to determine what color it is that will provide you with the final color you like.