How to Paint Diagonal Stripes on Chair Back Round Slats

Susi Schuele
by Susi Schuele
I'm trying to paint sections of this chair back diagonally like stairs. I've tried taping it as the picture suggests but want to make sure the painted area is uniform with the diagonal in front and back. Any tips as to how to get this to happen fairly easily with tape? Or is it just a real "eyeballing" kind of painting task? There are two of these chairs that I want to do identically.
The area between the tape is what would be painted white.
Identical chairs with a new coat of paint :)
  4 answers
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Oct 04, 2014
    I would first tape the ruler diagonally to the chair back above or below where you want your first stripe to be, and leave it there while you wrap tape around the parts you don't want painted. Then move the ruler down or up and repeat the process. If you use one ruler on each side of the chair back, you can be more consistent with your tape placement.
  • Carole Carole on Oct 04, 2014
    Cut out a cardboard triangular template and then another a little larger to allow for the width of the stripe you want. Would that work? Would give you a straight edge and all edges would be same (in theory at least if you place the template right)
  • Susi Schuele Susi Schuele on Feb 23, 2015
    I did use a ruler and only painted the front. They turned out awesome!
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  • Mickey Baron Mickey Baron on Sep 10, 2016
    The ruler worked! When I did mine, I was just doing it for spit & giggles. Not worried about being precise. The chair only cost me 3.00, So I just eyeballed it & taped it off. As you can see the stripes aren't perfect. The lines don't match exact. It made it fun. Yours turned out perfect. Love your color & design.
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