How to paint this chair

Karen K
by Karen K
My neighbor gave me a couple of these chairs. I would like to know how I would go about painting them a darker color to match my furniture on my sun room?
A chair I would like to paint a darker color of brown.
  22 answers
  • Shannon Shannon on Oct 08, 2014
    One option might be Chalk Paint. If you search on Pinterest for "Chalk Paint Chair" you'll find a ton of examples. Also, here is a blog post about using chalk paint for chairs/fabric:
  • Karen K Karen K on Oct 08, 2014
    Thank you Shannon. I will research for sure.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Oct 08, 2014
    i painted mine with rustoleum 2x ultra cover spray paint let it dry real good and so it would have a little shine to it the rustoleum semi gloss spray
  • Carole Carole on Oct 08, 2014
    A very light sand, wash to get the dust off then prime and spray paint. Spray paint will get into the nooks and crannies and be quicker and easier to do than painting by hand. If the cushion covers are removable and the colour not to your liking, then simply dye them. Please post a picture here when you are done - would love to see what you do.
  • Karen K Karen K on Oct 08, 2014
    Thank you Carole. What type of spray paint do you recommend? Anything special?
    • Carole Carole on Oct 08, 2014
      @Karen K Rustoleum paints are quite good. However, if the room gets a lot of sun or if you are tempted to put them outside (whatever you do - don't leave them out in inclement weather the cane won't stand for it) use a good quality oil based outdoor paint and use a spray gun. These cost about $50 to buy a basic electric one. Follow all directions for thinning the paint and practise first or else you can end up with a spatter effect paint rather than a nice smooth finish. The sanding and priming give a 'key' for the paint to adhere to so if you are tempted not to prep first by doing this, bear in mind that your paint job won't last long without proper preparation. Prep is the key to a good finish.
  • Teri Teri on Oct 08, 2014
    I did these exact chairs few years ago. At Wal-Mart I got a spray paint for wicker. It worked perfect
    • See 1 previous
    • Teri Teri on Oct 11, 2014
      @Jan Capesius Kremer Wish I could show you but I sold mine at a garage sale I had. I did sprayed them white and it made a world of difference. Made them look like a wicker set. If you do white any cushions would look great in them. Good Luck.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Oct 09, 2014
    Why not try a dark Polyshades by Min-Wax - combo stain and Poly. Will darken but not conceal the rattan/cane. Furnishings don't have to be all the same colour. These chairs say "sunroom" like no other finishes. I wouldn't paint at all.
    • See 4 previous
    • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Oct 09, 2014
      @Melinda Lockwood It's darkened mine even if I didn't sand lightly. I spray Poly on afterward. So far, no probs.
  • Kit389052 Kit389052 on Oct 09, 2014
    Spray paint in your favorite color, hold cans 6 to 8" from surface one or two coats, let dry between coats. Do not use heavy coats, just move can and go lightly.
  • Michele Michele on Oct 09, 2014
    I used spray expoxy that is used for appliances to update my wicker. It really clung to the straw and made a nice finish. It might work here, too.
  • Carol Harris Carol Harris on Oct 09, 2014
    I have the same chair in my sun room, and I cleaned them good and than spray painted them white, they look like new, so I think you could paint them any color you like
    • Jan Capesius Kremer Jan Capesius Kremer on Oct 10, 2014
      @Carol Harris I'd like to see your finished results. Can you post a picture? I have 2 very similar chairs and wanted to paint as well but was looking for ideas. Is easier when I can see someone elses finished results.
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 09, 2014
    If you go with the Rustoleum, or any spray paint, I suggest you buy a comfort grip for the spray can - not expensive and so helpful in getting the job done.
  • Bibi Sweet67 Bibi Sweet67 on Oct 09, 2014
    I say paint but make sure to prime it first so the paint can stick to the wood good.
  • Kim Taylor Kim Taylor on Oct 09, 2014
    I painted mine black with spray paint but I still need to add a clear coat. When I put it against the wall, it rubbed some of the paint off.
    • Jan Capesius Kremer Jan Capesius Kremer on Oct 10, 2014
      @Kim Taylor I'd like to see your finished results. Can you post a picture? I have 2 very similar chairs and wanted to paint as well but was looking for ideas. Is easier when I can see someone elses finished results.
  • PattyAnn PattyAnn on Oct 09, 2014
    I just painted some dining room chairs and I used Rustoleum Primer and Paint in one and I used the easy spray grip on the top ($5.95). I did 2 coats - put a light first coat on and then spray the 2nd coat. I have used this same paint on wicker several times. A light spray Poly afterwards would seal it nicely.
  • Baerbel Kurz Baerbel Kurz on Oct 09, 2014
    I would use Chalk Paint.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Oct 09, 2014
    alot of suggestions to use chalk paint so is this for inside or outside??????? if outside can the chalkpaint be outside ????
  • Lorre Hopkins Lorre Hopkins on Oct 10, 2014
    You can make chalk paint by adding Calcium Carbonate Powder to any paint you want, interior or exterior. If you go online there are all kinds of recipes for making chalk paint, and also info on different ingredient to make it. (Such as grout mix or corn starch, but Calcium Carbonate is best. I purchased a chalk paint mix on E bay but you can also get Calcium Carbonate Powder at Amazon or your Health Food Store.) Then it is finished with wax-mini wax or other wax, clear or dark, or clear can also be darkened yourself to give it a more antique look) And of course you could seal it with a polyurethane spray.
    • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Oct 10, 2014
      @Lorre Hopkins oh no I know how to make it but thank you I just was wondering on the outside how well it stayed and lasted but your answer helped thanks
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 10, 2014
    I know Annie Sloan advertises that you can use chalk paint outside - but I would still seal it with a poly.
  • Carol Harris Carol Harris on Oct 10, 2014
    @Jan Kremer, here is a picture of one of the chairs I have painted I also made new covers for the cushions, just use good spray paint, it might take a couple of coats, this is the second season for these chairs, I will probably spray them again next spring, my chairs our out on a screened porch.
    comment photo
    • Jan Capesius Kremer Jan Capesius Kremer on Oct 11, 2014
      @Carol Harris Thanks! That looks verify similar to one I have. I debated on painting a bright color and recover my cushion in a stripe. That gives me something to think about.
  • Karen K Karen K on Oct 10, 2014
    Thank you all for the help.
  • Jan Jan on Oct 11, 2014
    I have rattan furniture which is dark and I use a spray stain "design master" get it at Michaels/or on-line (they use on Floral)---I use "Walnut" dark rich stain and it covers everything including paint---it may eventually rub off after years of use but no chipping or peeling---(don't waste money on October brown---ugly)---goes a long way---easy touch up
  • Nancy Jenkins Nancy Jenkins on Dec 10, 2014
    Not planning on painting mine, just repairing splits caused by lazy movers on arm rests.