Toothbrush Watercolor Art

10 Minutes
Try some really fun and unusual ways to paint your own art with watercolor! Even if you never painted before, you can do this in 10 minutes! Here's a magnificent tree on a glorious fall day!
Wait, is that a toothbrush, YES! You don't need art experience, but you will need a toothbrush! ;)
First paint the canopy with a very thin washes of orange and yellow.

Look at the canopy as clusters of clouds, and don’t worry if you “mess up”! Every tree is different, and these shapes will guide us in the next steps.
Next add the trunk form and a few branches in the canopy.
This is so much fun! Wet the toothbrush, then dip it in a color, I started with yellow here, then run your finger on the toothbrush so the splatters end up in the area you want. After the yellow splatters, repeat with orange, and a touch of green!
The toothbrush splatters give us some fine leaves and misty effects, In this step, we will make some slightly bigger splatters by knocking our paint brush!

See how easy it is to make a piece of art work for your home?
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Kathey Hicks Kathey Hicks on Apr 28, 2018

    Anything else we can paint. Or is the tree all?

  • Karen Zuege Karen Zuege on Apr 28, 2018

    Really like this quickie painting. Did you use watercolor paper?

  • Donna Brant Donna Brant on Apr 29, 2018

    This is awesome project! I would like to know if I were to paint this on a canvas, would it work? Who knew that painting a tree look so easy, I'm not usually a painter but I certainly want to try this one, but I would love to do it on a canvas!

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  • Laurie Strenkert Laurie Strenkert on May 01, 2018

    I just recently discovered TOM LYNCH water color artist and teacher. He is available to view on Amazon prime if you have that on your tv, phones, tablets. He is the 1st one that really clicked with how simple he made it to do & understand. He also has dvds you can buy & classes not sure where though. You can Google him to learn more... Have fun!!!

  • Whitney Whitney on Jan 23, 2019

    Here's my creation of your idea! Controlling the spritz was a little difficult but I'm a little neurotic that way, haha. I hope you like it. I enjoyed this project. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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