Is clear vinyl tubing ok to use for an insta hot water dispenser?

by Rebecca
We are remodeling our kitchen, and the plumber already mounted all the fixtures onto the new countertop, and plumbed the dispenser using clear tubing instead of braided or opaque semi-hard tubing...while that may be fine for the cold water supply line to the heater, is it risky to use on the hot exit end?
  2 answers
  • He used the wrong tubing. You need the braded stuff to prevent it from kinking when it gets hot. Might work for a short while, but as it ages there is a chance that it will fail.
    • Jill Jill on Oct 15, 2014
      Not only that, but the clear tubing is not treated to prevent algae or mold growth. We found that out the hard way after having a water line from our refrigerator installed.
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Oct 15, 2014
    Or copper...