DIY Dry Erase Board and 'Create' Letters

My daughter has been begging for a dry erase board in her room. She loves to play school and pretend she's the teacher. I didn't want to stick just a plain office-y looking dry erase board in her room, so I got to thinking....
I had one of those middle-of-the-night ideas that wasn't sure how it would all play out - but it worked in my head! SO I headed over to Michaels, and scored a large frame marked down from $45 to 11.99 - and the sale was ending THAT DAY! Meant to be;) I took out the plastic insert (I'm saving the frame for another project - no wasting going on here!), painted a large rectangle in a pretty color on her wall, and taped the plastic insert on it.
Then, the hubs mitered the corners of 2 1/2 inch MDF at 45 degrees, then nailed the pieces over the tape.
And the board was DONE! (After some caulking and coat of white paint of course). I wanted to add some fun letters to the top, so I picked up letters at Michael's to spell out CREATE:
I gave them each a new look, and hung them up over the board. Perfect touch! I've now got one happy little girl, busy playing teacher in her room as much as she can!
Spent less than $20 on this huge DIY dry erase board...but the look on her face when she saw it was priceless:)
Naptime Decorator
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3 of 10 comments
  • Jeanette Yeggy Jeanette Yeggy on Oct 24, 2014
    So wouldn't work just to draw on the plastic while still in the frame - just hang the whole thing on the wall???
    • Naptime Decorator Naptime Decorator on Oct 25, 2014
      @Jeanette Yeggy I like the stability of the molding - it's much more secure to the wall than if it was only held up by the frame on a nail, doesn't move around this way. Also, I loved the look of the thicker frame.
  • Peggy Peggy on Jan 02, 2015
    I also had this idea this past summer. I actually used the frames as they were and painted the board in back of the frames and stenciled their names on the boards...made five of them for my granddaughters' room at my house. Perfect...the girls loved them. Problem - once they used them a few times, we could not erase easily. I Googled...tried toothpaste, it worked but messy. Magic Erasers worked well, but just the other day I cleaned them and tried Scrubby Bubble Bathroom Spray and wa la...instantly came off! Thought this would help anyone wanting to try this idea.
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