The rings around wine barrels

Diane Bump
by Diane Bump
I have two wine barrel rings every time I go to my Moms they're just sitting there. What can I do with them? Thank you.
  5 answers
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Oct 21, 2014
    Hi Diane! Can you upload a pic of your wine barrel rings? That will give me and other Hometalkers a better idea of what to suggest for you to do with them! Do add a photo just click the upper right drop arrow of your question and click "Edit." Add your photo and save! :)
  • Busymomhelp Busymomhelp on Oct 21, 2014
    I think these things are great. You can make lots of things out of them. For instance, you can make a lamp using small led lights on the inner side of the rights. You can wrap them around with rope, farbic or anything else you like.
  • Kathy Kathy on Oct 25, 2014
    I have 2, and plan to use them to make Christmas wreaths, by using greenery, holly with berries, maybe a strand of white lights, and some large bells or even some rusty tin cut outs. Use your imagination for the wreaths, and I'm sure they will turn out beautifully...of course they will be kind of big, but that's even better. I did use one this summer and hubby made a wrought iron holder for it, used several strands of lights and it was great for a patio party, and looked really nice.
    comment photo
  • I would turn them into a pot rack.
  • Busymomhelp Busymomhelp on Nov 10, 2015
    I would have done a LED lamp out of them placing LEDs on the edge and inside stretching some old lace. Or you could make an autumn wreath out of it.