Whats a reasonable price for white-painting a 1bedroom in New York City?

Ryan A
by Ryan A
I was recently quoted a real high price in Manhattan for a 710sq/ft one bedroom. What is a reasonable price range I should be looking for out here?
  7 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Aug 26, 2012
    Manhattan is a whole different world. I don't think you can do anything but get quotes from a couple of other painters and weigh them.
  • Kyle G Kyle G on Aug 26, 2012
    Ryan - I would say between $700 and $1000 with paint included (variability due to amount of trim, windows, doors, height of ceilings, painting over dark colors, etc). Although I would have to agree with Douglas that Manhattan prices can be significantly higher.
  • That number would work fine for one room that Kyle provided. All is determined like he said by height, colors, and trims. Welcome to the NY zip code factor on pricing. Everything in Manhattan is expensive. And all of it is figured into the cost of the job. Parking, travel, time just to get into the apartment itself. Not like pulling in a driveway and walking in a few steps to the room,
  • Amber Amber on Aug 30, 2012
    first of all what is it like living in ny? i bet its beautiful (in some places). anyways how come you just dont paint it yourself? then you can take credit for it and appreciate it more and wont have to depend on someone else finishing the job fast and getting it done right? it would definately save you a lot of cash! i think painting is kind of fun and relaxing.
  • Ryan A Ryan A on Aug 30, 2012
    Amber, New York is a fascinating place with many things to see and do. It can be dirty in many areas but thats part of the character - locals just brush it aside and deal with it. As for the painting i'm sure i'll mess up my floors and make a big mess. I still can't color between the lines!
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Aug 30, 2012
    It takes a unique breed to be able to live in a city...especially NY. I took a visit there some 30 years ago...its not for me. I prefer my mountains As far as your painting goes...get multiple quotes and REFERENCES...and check the references. If the painter is good and reasonably priced then their prior work will be the proof.
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  • Amber Amber on Aug 30, 2012
    well then in that case maybe you should hire some one!!! lol good luck.