Housewash that is safe for plants?

Carla D
by Carla D
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to clean mildew off of vinyl siding without having to use a bleach solution. It is really difficult to cover plants and at the same time keep bleach from reaching immediate soil....Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!
  12 answers
  • You do not want to use bleach at all anyway. There are several products that used in conjunction with a power washer that will remove the mildew off of the walls on the house. There are those who say using vinegar will work, and perhaps it will, but it will change the acidity of the soil so you will need to repair that once the cleaning is done, If you check out the local big box store you will find all sorts of cleaners used for this reason. Most are friendly to plants and shrubs. And you can rent a power washer from many of them as well. It will take about a full day to do the entire home. In any case regardless of what you use, you need to wet down the bushes, plants, grass and trees that would come into contact with what ever it is that you end up using. This should be enough to protect them should the chemicals come into contact with them. To prevent the mildew from returning, you need to evaluate the shading around that part of the house. Many times it cannot be helped, but if there is a lot of shade you should consider thinning out the branches so more light and air can reach the house.
  • Carla D Carla D on Aug 26, 2012
    Thanks. No trees at all, its just the north facing side of the house. Never gets direct sun.
  • Carla D Carla D on Aug 26, 2012
    The rest of the house is fine, but the one side is just constant shade.
  • Then all you need is the cleaners sold over the counter at the big box stores. It will do the trick nicely. They do make a cleaner product that is applied with a garden hose. Then left to sit for a while followed again with the hose. I never used it as I have several power washers on hand to do this for me. But depending upon how high and large an area it is you may just want to do that with a scrub brush on a long painter pole to reach the higher areas.
  • Terrie Neudorf Terrie Neudorf on Mar 25, 2015
    Use vinegar with only a couple drops of blue dawn. And hot water . I use a mop pail with a long handle window sponge , squeegee . Then rinse when done . Oh I use 1/3 to 1/2 the ratio to water . This has worked for me .
  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Dec 09, 2015
    There is a product called 30Seconds found at Ace Hardware that works wonders. I have also used chlorine (pool) found at Ace Hardware. Both do a wonderful job.
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree 4 days ago

    Borax is a natural mineral compound that won't damage nearby landscaping plants. Apply the solution as instructed above. Treat stains with oxygen bleach paste. To treat a stubborn stain, mix just enough warm water with a small amount of powdered oxygen bleach to make a paste.

  • Choosing a pressure wash that uses detergent instead of bleach may be a more environmentally responsible decision. In order to lessen its harshness on plants, detergent is usually diluted to a water-to-detergent ratio of 10:1.

  • Deb K Deb K 3 days ago

    Hi Carla, hope this helps you. Four cleaners can do this;

    1. Clorox Outdoor Beach – Clorox says this product will not harm plants “when used as directed,” but encourages users to rinse the greenery afterward.
    2. Scotts Outdoor Cleaner with OxyClean – Begins working on contact and is safe to use around pets, plants, and lawn furniture.
    3. Simple Green – This non-corrosive, non-acidic product will clean many types of surfaces without harming plants and landscaping.
    4. Vinegar – White vinegar is one of the best cleaners and will not damage plants; in fact, your plants that need acidity will flourish!

    Rinse the bedding plants well afterwards.

  • There are cleaners that are safe for plantings and they’ll say on the bottle. Still, be sure to rinse everything well after anyway.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 2 days ago

    Power Washer or maybe Spray & Leave?

  • Deb K Deb K 16 hours ago

    Hi Carla, hope this helps you. Mixing 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar makes a cleaner that will get rid of dirt and grime and any mold or mildew that has accumulated on your siding without harming any of your plants or flowers. I would spray fresh water on plants afterwards to be sure!