New Life to a Tired Old Piece

by Sheryll
I found this tired old apothecary chest at a yard sale for $8. All the drawers and handles were there. I shoved in the back of my SUV congratulating myself for my find and cursing myself for bringing home project (conservatively)
I knew it would be hard to keep up with whats in each of 12 drawers so I used all my bits of leftover paint on the drawers and painted the rest black.
Now this little piece looks happy and ready for more years of service!
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2 of 9 comments
  • GR GR on Oct 31, 2014
    What a great find, they are getting to be about as common as hen's teeth over here and even cheap, nasty pine ones are going for big money! Love your makeover too :-)
  • I found one at a flea market for 60 dollars last week. I'm still pinching myself!!!
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