Small Pondless Watefall, NH

Nature Scapes
by Nature Scapes
This Small Pondless Waterfall, in NH is one of my favorites. The folks had a great hillside garden that they laboriously created over the last 15-20 years. Drainage (the grade drops to a 6" deep channel the walls are lined with granite curbing and bottom lined with stone) cuts across the bottom of the hill for seasonal runoff. Our customers idea was to create a waterfall and use this runoff as the water source. We carefully excavated a pondless basin beneath this channel, installed underlayment, liner, vault, aquablocks and pump, then topped it with river stone. The waterfall we built is only about 10" long (our smallest feature) it twists and splits before coming over the last drop and falling into the basin to be recirculated again. The waterfall is in the perfect place highly visible from all outdoor seating and from the master bedroom. Though it is small it fits into the hillside as if mother nature carved it out herself.
Small Pondless Waterfall, NH
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