Asked on Sep 04, 2012

What would you do with a large blank wall?

Desert Domicile
by Desert Domicile
I'm in the process of turning our loft into a lounge/upstairs living room but I'm a little stumped on what to do with the large blank wall.
It's 12' wide by 9' high and my original plan was to paint it navy and turn it into a gallery wall but I'm curious to see what you would do with it if it was in your home! All suggestions are welcome :)
Blank wall that has me stumped
The loft is open to the foyer below (you can see the half wall on the right)
Loft lounge progress
  58 answers
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 04, 2012
    I totally would paint it dark colors and then add, you know like a cow fur, or wolf fur, or any other animals kind of fur. Then, you can and candles or mirror, be sure you have two so you can add on both sides of your window! Have you thought about getting a dark color rug too? :)
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Thanks for the suggestions, Tyler! I'm not sure if I'm going to add a rug yet but I'm still thinking about it. Mirrors are a great idea and they'd help reflect the light from the window :)
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 04, 2012
    You're welcome! :) If you to a store called Ikea, THEY HAVE EVERYTHING FOR CHEAPER!!! Its my favorite store in the whole world. They have so many creative ideas, and they are there to help you. That store is so amazing, it has 3 story of everything. Oh my gosh, you should totally go visit that store one day! :)
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Sep 04, 2012
    Caitlin, I love what you have going there so far, especially the furry table thing (what is that?) I'll be eagerly watching the suggestions that come in here. Tyler, I like your style :)
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Tyler - I'm a HUGE fan of IKEA so you're speaking my language! The closest one to me is 2 hours away but I'm planning a trip before the holidays and I can't wait!
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Thanks Miriam! The furry table is actually a bench that was at the end of my bed haha I just covered it with two faux sheepskin rugs for some added texture :)
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Sep 04, 2012
    Cute idea. I love it!
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Thanks :)
  • Jennifer H Jennifer H on Sep 04, 2012
    I'd say a mirror to make the room look a little larger.
  • Alesia G Alesia G on Sep 04, 2012
    I painted the bottom of my walls a different color & put in a chair rail. I then put some notecards (which were photos of x-rays of flowers) in frames matching the wood in my room. Then, painted rectangles (I've done 3) the bottom wall color the same size of larger frames. Next, put the flower photos in the middle. Last, add the larger frame.
  • Linda M Linda M on Sep 04, 2012
    big mirror and greenery
  • Pamela Dennis-Bussa Pamela Dennis-Bussa on Sep 04, 2012
    Would definitely go with a "natural" element feeding off of the rug and tray you have on the bench; it would soften the lines of the furniture you already have which has a harder edge to it. If not a water wall, how about a nice water feature that could hang on the wall with a tall vertical plant in the back left corner? The height of the plant would pull your eye up and make the room appear larger, the water feature would draw the eye also and be calming for a lounge area.
  • Corinne A Corinne A on Sep 04, 2012
    I would take a favorite scripture, quote or phrase that inspires me or my family and using one of the several stencil creating companies you find online, create an inspiring literary wall piece. I've looked into using SayWhat? they are easy to work with and cut your stencil in the style font, size etc you want ...making it very easy to stencil on your wall. Best of luck! <3's+Easy+as+1-2-3+to+Design+Your+Own+Saying!&fontName=Frisky.ttf&rs=40
  • Veronica west Veronica west on Sep 04, 2012
    Bookshelves containing hardback books; some standing upright, others on their side ~ all so you can read the title on the binding without turning your neck sideways. On some of the shelves, place small objects like vases and collectibles. Add some foliage (leaves, pine cones, and the like) to reflect the changing seasons. Shells for summer, leaves for fall, holly for winter, and colored wooden eggs for spring.
  • Cathy B Cathy B on Sep 04, 2012
    I say a big mirror would be great!
  • Denise Faltesek Denise Faltesek on Sep 04, 2012
    i would paint the middle of the wall with chalkboard paint(we meaning my family and friends love tp play pictionary, hang man and tic tac toe) just to name a few games and i would decorate the 2 sides of wall with vintage game pieces with other art i like hope this helps
  • Isabel Gonzalez-Herrera Isabel Gonzalez-Herrera on Sep 04, 2012
    I'd add color, maybe coral or gold/mustard and rustic wood motif (art or shelves) contrasting the texture of the furniture
  • Diane thompson Diane thompson on Sep 04, 2012
    I'd paint it rich red and put black and white prints, framed in black, on it.
  • Melissa Murphy Melissa Murphy on Sep 04, 2012
    I'd put a water feature and sconces.
  • Shirley Hall Williams Shirley Hall Williams on Sep 04, 2012
    I have been adding photos, paintings of my local area, done by fantastic photographers that my are my friends!
  • Zondra Myers Zondra Myers on Sep 04, 2012
    sorry you do not live in indiana just saw some oversized pictures of excellent quality ie 200 ti 600 dollar stuff for less than 40 that would work.
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I definitely have a lot of options to think about now and I love the shelf and mirror ideas! :)
  • Tammy Tammy on Sep 04, 2012
    I would have painted a wall mural over the entire wall. Or order a mural from murals your way. An outdoor scene would be my choice. Then in the corner I would put some fireflies and a fairy just to add a little whimsy. Few would notice the fairy.
  • Mary Medrano Mary Medrano on Sep 04, 2012
    I would paint a tree and add pics. (family tree) Seen it on Pinterest and doing one myself!
  • Patricia Taylor Patricia Taylor on Sep 04, 2012
    I think color is a great idea. It makes the room come alive and much more homey. If the room is on the small side I would recommend adding a large mirror to open up the room. I like iron work myself. The picture attached is the corner of my living room. Have fun with it. Bring yourself in the room. Do what makes you happy.
    comment photo
  • Fran Fran on Sep 04, 2012
    If the room is wide enough, put the sofa on the long wall with a chair on each side and add a bookcase across from the sofa and personalize with some family photos
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Fran, I should have mentioned that the loft is open to the foyer below so the only full wall I have to put anything on is the blank one in question. You can kind of see what I'm talking about on the right in the second photo. Bookcases on the blank wall would be a good idea though! Make the room into a mini-library :)
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Mary - That sounds cute! Can't wait to see your finished tree :) Patricia - Great advice! Love the iron work decoration! Is it an outdoor one?
  • Patricia Taylor Patricia Taylor on Sep 04, 2012
    No I got that from Ross. Do you have Ross, Marshalls or TJ Max stores out by you? I have found lots of good things there for great prices. That iron wall hanging was only $24.95.
  • Marjorie Martin Marjorie Martin on Sep 04, 2012
    Buy or make or find something big like stretching bars or a flat frame. Then buy a couple yards of upholstry fabric or other thick fabric you like and cover it. Very easy and cool!
  • Linda Linda on Sep 04, 2012
    I think some 3 dementional metal/ tin pictures/ culptures would look nice and take away the smallness of the room
  • Donna Swory Donna Swory on Sep 04, 2012
    I would paint a large black rectangle in the middle of the wall, and put one lg. or several black and white photos in frame, or frames centered on it. I have seen pics of lg. Black and white butterfly that would look great. Or, whatever interests you have. Or put black and white family photos arranged on the rectangle, in glass frames.
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Patricia - I do! I have all three near me along with a HomeGoods. I haven't been to Ross in a while though, I should check them out soon!
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Marjorie - Great idea! Linda - 3D wall hangings would look great! Unfortunately, the gap between the sofa arm and wall is just shy of 3 feet so they'd have to be pretty shallow or else I'd be afraid they'd stab people as they walked by haha
  • Patricia Taylor Patricia Taylor on Sep 04, 2012
    You should. I just got that 2 weeks ago. It's always a hit or miss when you go there. But I have found so many cool things. Good Luck!
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
  • Pam R Pam R on Sep 04, 2012
    I love the black and white theme...but I would introduce RED as the accent color, maybe in a large print canvas. One big pop of color to make a bold statement...Good luck in whatever you choose..When you get it finished, pictures please...
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Thanks Pam! I'll definitely post photos once it's done :)
  • I'd start hitting the thrift stores and discount stores (IKEA, Ross, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Big Lots), and buy up mirrors in all sizes and shapes. Then I'd paint the frames in black, white, and silver gloss finishes to coordinate with your existing decor. And one frame - just one, maybe a REALLY ornate one - I'd paint gloss orange for fall, then red for the holidays. Just one POP of color on the wall - and the mirrors would amplify the light coming in from your window and reflect your gorgeous room setting.
  • Z Z on Sep 04, 2012
    Okay I normally try and read everything first, but I'm tired and my hubby just got home from a ball game so I'll just give you my two cents worth. I'd paint it with chalkboard paint so you could change out the "art" on a whim! If you don't want it in black you could always mix your own using Martha Stewart's formula.
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 04, 2012
    Debi - I'm pretty sure you're in my head right now! That's EXACTLY what I was thinking! I'm actually writing a blog post about using multiple mirrors right now haha Great minds think alike ;) Becky - Chalkboard paint would be fun! Friends could come over and sign the wall or draw some doodles of their own on it! That's actually a really good idea :)
  • Sheryl Sheryl on Sep 04, 2012
    You definitely need some kind of pop of color. Black wall with white frames and color photos? Or just white wall black frames with a bit of color in the photos. Pick up any color if you make it a photo wall and add an accent pillow with that color? I love the black and white theme, just add some pops of color. Either red or green, maybe.
  • Z Z on Sep 04, 2012
    That's just what I was thinking because you said it was going to be used as a "lounge". Hubby had just pulled in the driveway so I had to make it a quick reply. I always greet him when he gets home and didn't want to miss this time. The mirrors sound like fun too. As I mentioned I didn't read any other comments. Oh and remember there is colored chalk. We had a huge black chalk board in our basement when I was growing up and my girlfriend and I loved drawing on it using bright colored chalk. I would think if it was available then it would be now too.
  • Taunnie Taunnie on Sep 05, 2012
    How about a giant wall sticker. Have you visited Blik. They have a huge selection. Prices are not too bad either.
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  • Ellen H Ellen H on Sep 05, 2012
    What about a picture ledge (or 2) all the way across the wall - you could use a material that reads contemporary. Then you could have a changeable display wall for all sorts of photos or artwork - framed or mounted w/o frames. I don't know about materials but I'm visualizing chrome or something sleek that would even look good w/o artwork, like a modern take on chair rail.
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 05, 2012
    All great suggestions! Thanks everyone! :D Becky - That's sweet that you greet him every night :) I'm leaning towards a navy wall with mixed mirrors but I could always paint the glass insert of one of them with chalkboard paint! Taunnie - A wall sticker is a great idea! I have another place in mind for one :) Ellen - Picture ledges would be awesome! I have some from IKEA that I think might work but they may be too short. I could always DIY some though! :)
  • Z Z on Sep 05, 2012
    Thank you Caitlin. We've been married over 32 years and he always kisses me each morning before he leaves for work. I'm usually still asleep, but don't mind at all. If I'm awake and up I go out to the drive for more kisses and then run through the house and out the front door to wait until he drives by on the near by highway. I wave and he honks his horn. Those little things keep our marriage young at heart. I think a navy wall with mirrors would be gorgeous. A chalk board in the mix could be fun too. Opps here comes hubby!
  • LandlightS LandlightS on Sep 05, 2012
    How about a 60 inch or 70 inch LED 3D flat panel monitor ?????
  • Ellen H Ellen H on Sep 05, 2012
    LandlightS, you have to be male.
  • Ilene D Ilene D on Sep 06, 2012
    Hi Caitlin. First I would paint the wall to give it some punch. Perhaps a teal, marigold, or even red. I do believe I saw red in something too. Rule of thumb; carry out collors via a plant 3 spots in a room. Since you like Ikea, I just happen to have the latest catalog. Since you are looking to hang up art work, I would either get four 5x7 picture frames and place two on each side of the centered couch on a black shelf, or purchase 8 frames and not utilize a shelf. I would just hang up 4 on each side. I would also buy a shelf from Kohls. They have black open back cutouts of shelves. Stagger them and the pictures on the wall. Here, you can place little sculptures, or trinkets of something memorable to you. You can also put a scented candle in a square. I would put a stained glass lampshade on top. Perhaps on the floor in on one side I would place a plant, and the other side, I would place a unit on the floor to depict 4 cubicles. I would put 2 wicker boxes in them caddy corner, and place some books in one of the open shelves. You can use the two wicker boxes for storage. On the coffee table I would place a couple of architecture books, or something indicative of your lifestyle. I would put a soothing waterfall in the room, and an orchid plant. Please post pictures once you are done. You have many people following your link. Good Luck
  • Desert Domicile Desert Domicile on Sep 06, 2012
    Great ideas Ilene! I'll definitely be sure to post photos once it's done :) As for moving the furniture, I can't put any pieces on the half wall that looks down onto my foyer because my curious Cairn Terrier likes to climb on furniture and I'm terrified that she'll find her way up on the the wall's ledge and fall 2 stories down to the tile floor (and her death). Not trying to sound morbid, just acknowledging the furniture re-arranging ideas :)
  • Ilene D Ilene D on Sep 15, 2012
    Having done dog rescues, and am owned by a Lhasa Apso, I wholeheartedly understand. Good luck with your renovation. I can't wait to see the rendititon.
  • Kathie taylor Kathie taylor on Sep 17, 2012
    Be sure to add black wrought iron to break the monotony of frames. There are some that are swirly that hold candles...some that are large and hold 4x6 pictures (frames included) Some that are massive in shapes like bamboo or just flowers.
  • Rhonda Elliott Rhonda Elliott on Jan 18, 2014
  • another thought or two: keep the wall white and use frames in a bright bold color such as red and put black and white pictures in them and some pics with a small hint of the frame color. Or put black frames and do the pictures in black and white with a few in a bright bold color. Or blow up several pics in a scene
  • Kc Corun Kc Corun on Jan 19, 2014
    I have a simular situation over a new huge sectional couch. I found online companies that offer murals. The company I'm planning to work with offers huge murals sized to your area and budget. The reason I went with this company is that I live in an apartment where I can't put up something permanent
  • Kc Corun Kc Corun on Jan 19, 2014
    Sorry, hit wrong button. :-D This particular company offers 2 wallpaper apps, and a vinyl app that can be removed. Bottom line, look into poster and mural companies, I bet you'll find something that will work for you! ♡
  • SharCartist SharCartist on Mar 02, 2015
    It's a beautiful space. I'm loving the furnishings. As an artist I could give you all sorts of ideas. Go to , or and get a large piece of art. Depending on wall size. You certainly do t want a 12 x16 or something like that. Or you could go wi a diptik or triptik. Those are multiple canvases of one piece all in a row to give the illusion of one large piece. If you can't afford artwork, buy a print of something you like.