Asked on Nov 20, 2014

Deco wreath

Kim Maikoetter
by Kim Maikoetter
I really need to find a stuffed turkey with dangling legs for a special wreath I am making. Does anyone know where I can find one in Houston TX area?
  11 answers
  • Linda Linda on Nov 21, 2014
    Ummmmm......ok........the closest thing I have seen is a dog toy of a chicken which has elastic with which you can pull it back and shoot it forward for the dog to chase. Some of the cashiers at the grocery store where I used to work couldn't resist taking one off the aisle playing with it. But it's a skinny chicken.
  • Patty Patty on Nov 21, 2014
    Did u try looking on Pinterest ?
  • Jean McCormick Jean McCormick on Nov 21, 2014
    I have a turkey Beanie Baby, maybe you can find one.
  • Lynn Griffis Lynn Griffis on Nov 21, 2014
    Not sure if you have one in the area, if not look on line, try Lobby Lobby they have cute fall items.
  • Gail Gail on Nov 21, 2014
    Look at it this way if you don't find one you still have a beautiful wreath. Lots of times some of those dollar stores have little shelf sitters so now would be the time to maybe find a turkey.
  • Melody McSweeney Melody McSweeney on Nov 21, 2014
    Michael's? A.C. Moore?
  • Rosalind Rosalind on Nov 21, 2014
    It's a little too late for me to design you one...But If you need one for next year let me know. I could make one using paper, felt or a thin piece of wood. See my latest project of a felt hand/arm sticking from a Christmas wreath resembling the Grinch on Pinterest... board name (Abstract It) I haven't made a turkey before but would love to give it a try.
  • Mary Davin Mary Davin on Dec 02, 2014
    I did just see an ad with long legged turkeys sitting side by side on a shelf (like the Elf on the Shelf type of dolls) - can't recall though now where that was, but if you Google it, maybe it will turn up - in time for next year. Sorry for delay in replying.
  • Mar13603940 Mar13603940 on Oct 23, 2016
    I once found a pattern for Turkey,stork and Robertson's made with felt at Wal-Mart
  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Feb 13, 2022

    Your local craft store or Dollar Tree should have one.

  • Did you check Amazon