Asked on Sep 21, 2012 desk needs help?

Bernice H
by Bernice H
Hey Sheila or anyone, suggestions for what to do with this very worthy desk. Hard wood, no staples, no nails in drawers. I don't like the hardware, and the carpets are , almost immediately following this post , being replaced with beige, to tie in with the other carpets and floors etc. So red and green are not the predominant colors. I am a "little" tired of red and green. Bur I love the light green on the wall. Included is the picture of my living room.I am trying to switch to steel blue and having a hard time. I almost always go to aqua.
I want some fun with this desk. Sheila, I love what you do, so am imploring you..but anyone can chime in! Like I said this is a worthy desk. I watch this tv from the kitchen (galley style), and hubs puts his shoes on here. hahaa
  38 answers
  • Ellen H Ellen H on Sep 21, 2012
    I'm no good with furniture makeover advice, but I just wanted to say that l love that big rug in front of the desk. Is that one one of the carpets that is going away? (Too bad I'm too far away to come get it.) Good luck on the desk - I'm sure someone will give you a great idea.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 21, 2012
    Thanks I am thinking , would Sheila do all the desk the same color, or do ombre, or the drawers a different shade or color? distress? wax to age/tone down? Or just go bright blue like you did with the blue? And so happy you found the rambling rosies....
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 21, 2012
    Yes Ellen..I have had it for years. I dont think hubs is going to take kindly to changing to boring beige, but he doesnt see it but 1 - 2 hours a day...i am here 24/7 ...most of the times. Plus it is quite dirty, especially the little one. Bimart had excellent buys on area carpets..I was totally unexpecting I grabbed a couple. so reasonable! I can just toss them some day or cut up for the cars.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 21, 2012
    Wow! I like that link.How does it work so i can see the desk color against something similar to my wall. Or a side by side comparison to another blue or teal? There are several i really like. thanks
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 22, 2012
    Bernice, as for the dirty rugs, the next time you are expecting rain, throw them over a railing on the deck or something to keep them off the ground and let the rain clean them. You will be shocked how clean they get and how good they will smell. Leave them out until the water drains out. We have done this for years! With that chair and lamp, I would do the desk cream with a dark wax rub and add new hardware. Then put some brunished shelves above or hang a collection of photos or empty frames, small mirrors and pictures, etc.
  • Dena Boles Dena Boles on Sep 22, 2012
    nice chair
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Sep 22, 2012
    Hey Bernice, either one of SheilaG's colors is begging for a darker top or with the one on the left go with cream or white for the beachy look. I think a black lacquer style top would look good and help the TV blend in.
  • Ellen H Ellen H on Sep 22, 2012
    Once you get it painted, then I would get a nice big basket to go under it (filling in the blank space with texture).
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Sep 22, 2012
    So is that the TV that died? Is this an office space of more of a living room. A scool as old real wood furniture should match the function of the space. If you are in need of a TV stand an old table type piece may have a bettef "feel" in the room.
  • Marg C Marg C on Sep 22, 2012
    I like the second color the best. It goes really nicely with the green wall.
  • Becky H Becky H on Sep 22, 2012
    So do I Marge, and I think I'd sand and restain the top a light, natural wood, in contrast to the paint. It might just tie in with the wood floor.
  • Marg C Marg C on Sep 22, 2012
    that sounds nice BeckyH
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 22, 2012
    Hey Kev, and all....thanks for tuning in! No, it is not the tv that died, but we are hoping....,! This is an (MH)entry way. Slider to the right(in the picture), hallway behind green chair , just enough room for 2 chairs and something to put the tv on. Kitchen, galley style, to the right of slider. Hubs puts his shoes on here and I watch tv from the kitchen. My neighbor had this at her yard sale, for 20 bucks! I am using the drawer s for candle storage etc. It is just a super piece of furniture. However , maybe you are right, maybe I should gussy it up and then sell it? It is Too small for my desk needs, remember the one I built? And Maybe use one of my round tables which are now in the living room to put the little tv on? (picture below)hmmm Jeannette, yup, I will just do that, or not even wait for rain.....use the hose! Ellen, yes, right now it is for chichi cats' toys..which she doesnt use! so they can be moved! Intending to paint the lamp ivory also, but for the living room where it is presently. So kids, if I decide to get rid of it, would i paint it? And would I paint it blue? Do people buy blue desks? hmmm? And is it worth the work for what I might get for it, which I don't know .........
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  • I was going to say, it does not have any bills on the top. That is what is missing. Simply do not pay a few and you will have all different colored envelopes to decorate it with. I have not seen the top of my desk for quite some time.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 23, 2012
    Now Bob , THAT is funny!
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 23, 2012
    Honestly, I am learning to become an interior designer, have you thought about something attractable and opposite of colors you have? You can keep the brown part of top and keep the drawers brown and put the yellow around the desk. Or, you can do yellow and green mix, use sponge, paint the bright color fist and then add dark color to make more mixfull. I looooooove mixing colors so you can see 2 colors. I don't like one solid color. Also, have you thought about painting the desk black? I love black desks. It gives you some peace for your eyes to lay on. The problem is DUST!!!!!!! Very easy to notice. (LOL) Hope this helps! :)
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 23, 2012
    Also, maybe putting the chair in the corner and move the desk where the chair is... see what that would like. I love chairs in the corners. It gives you a really good view
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 23, 2012
    Thanks Tyler, actually this is a previous picture, now there is another chair where the cat thingy is. So 2 chairs we can talk to each other, or have morning coffee before hubs goes to work. Desk is only holding the tv up! That's its job, unlike what Bob (woodbridge) is referring to. Not a working desk! :^) ( And hopefully the tv will become a flat screen soon! Hard to see from kitchen now, and hear. And read captions!) Yes I love black also, and yes the dust is very noticable! Oh well, such is life. Dust makes very beautiful sunsets!
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 24, 2012
    That is a cute idea! I would go with @SheilaG, Plum Doodles! Or you can buy a TV with build inside DVD player.
  • Z Z on Sep 28, 2012
    @Bernice H I've not read any of the replies for awhile so maybe someone already suggested this, but here we go.......
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  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 28, 2012
    @Z Did you do this?????? YOu "painted" my desk? HOw clever of you! I cant even find paint on my computer. I went to start...looked at all my programs, I would have thought it was in office..maybe I dont have it! But this is so cool! Did it take very long to do it? Awesome!
  • Bernice, check out accessories on the menu paint should be located there if you have it installed. If not you can download it from Microsoft for free. Not all versions of windows have it as part of their package.
  • Z Z on Sep 28, 2012
    Yes I did "draw" that Bernice. I thought it would help you visualize what I was talking about. As for where it is on your computer you missed a step. After you go to all programs you have to chose the "Accessories" folder. I think you can probably find it by searching for "Paint" at the bottom of the search menu too. Yes, you can. I just tried it. It pops right up at the top of the start menu above the search bar.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Sep 28, 2012
    Ok I got it is easy , I put it down below on the task bar. Thanks....
  • Now the fun stuff starts!
  • Z Z on Sep 28, 2012
    You're welcome Bernice. And yes WE, now the fun begins. I suggest just playing with it until you understand what it can do.
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 28, 2012
    Or you can have a shelf like this... and then you can find a cheap baskets... for those selves... to put your cat toys in it.. or something! :)
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  • Tyler S Tyler S on Sep 28, 2012
    Or you can try take out the drawers and then put a wood in it... so you can put basket instead of the drawers!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 29, 2012
    Tyler, you draw as badly as I do!!!! Hee, hee! I have not used the Microsoft program...may get around to it one day! In the meantime, I guess I can only hope you improve Tyler!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 29, 2012
    P.S. Tyler, never lose your enthusiasum!!!
  • Tyler S Tyler S on Oct 04, 2012
    I agree!! I will never loose it! At least I describe the picture well enough! lol
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 19, 2012
    @SheilaG, Plum Doodles Anyone.... I know i was whining, but I think I have found the solution to my wall paint problem, I have loved the sage color above is on my kitchen and entry way, am thinking to paint over the Taco time turquoise with it, because I am not tired ofsage at all! It will still give me drama...right?This is for the living room, below picture is of the post of when we put in the carpeting, other walls off white warm slightly gold tone. ok here it is..replacing the brown wall, and now the taco turquoise color (below) with the sage above. What do you think? I will take a pic of the turquoise..wish I had a Taco time sign! hahaha maybe I can use the turq on the desk, but i still want it DARKER!
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  • Marg C Marg C on Oct 24, 2012
    that sounds like a plan!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 24, 2012
    @SheilaG, Plum Doodles @Marg C I will post pictures soon, but I went with sage, yes it feels so much more comfortable. I was working hard to "like" the neon teal enough! and 65 dollars later(2 gal paint) and much aggravation, and for me exhausting work on an itty bitty wall, it is done and I am done. ha At least for a while! So you never know! Thanks for the support!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 25, 2012
    Yuuppp! And I dont do that too often, but when I do, watch out!
  • Annie Doherty Annie Doherty on Jul 10, 2016
    Bernice I love your wall colour it's gorgeous and welcoming how about considering a greige colour or a midnight blue for your desk? It's a lovely shape and I'm certain whatever colour you go with it will look so elegant, great job thanks for sharing.
    • Bernice H Bernice H on Jul 11, 2016
      Thank You Anne Doherty (Annie). I wish I had thought of that before we gave it away, before moving. I think it would have looked very nice in a dark blue.
  • Kay Kay on Oct 24, 2016
    A desk can be so useful, and pretty. I have a desk very much like yours and I plan to re-do it like this one in the photo I plucked from the internet. I even found a tablet of black/white paper at Tuesday Morning.
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    • Bernice H Bernice H on Oct 25, 2016
      Thank you..we have since sold the desk and the house,but I appreciate your input. If I find another desk like this I will definitely hold onto it!