I have some real ugly internal doors that I woud like to spruce up

Ines Andrade
by Ines Andrade
Hello! I have these office like doors that are a bit of an eye sore... I would like them in white to go with the door frame. But the idea of a plain white door doesn't really appeal to me.... any easy and cheap ideas, please? Thank you, Inês
  10 answers
  • Susan Bartenfeld Susan Bartenfeld on Nov 23, 2014
    If the doors are solid/smooth you could use transfers to add some style. Transfers are easy to find in craft stores and not expensive and VERY easy to use. My other idea is if they have the "window" cut outs, (they have a proper name, but can't remember it right now) using good painters tape outline each window, paint them a contrasting color. You could use spray paint or a "sample" can of paint from your hardware store. they are usually less then 5 bucks!
  • Ines Andrade Ines Andrade on Nov 23, 2014
    Sounds good actually. I would love to have those "windows " on my doors but they are completely flat and boring!
  • Ines Andrade Ines Andrade on Nov 23, 2014
    Im trying to upload a pic.
    comment photo
  • Tris Smith Tris Smith on Nov 24, 2014
    Get some heavy cardboard squuares and cover the front with batting for quilts and white vinyl or faux suede. Hot glue the material to the back. Attach to the door with velcro for a rich look.
  • Sally Sally on Nov 24, 2014
    I love Tris Smith's answer and have 'stolen' it for myself
  • Teresa Hon Teresa Hon on Nov 24, 2014
    You could attach wood trim/molding to the door to make it look as though it is a raised panel door (much like what you might see in wainscoting on the lower half of a dining room.
    comment photo
  • Patti Patti on Nov 24, 2014
    I have the same doors as you. I am planning on buying a roll of the wall covering from Lowe's that looks like a white grooved paneling and putting in up in two large sections, one larger above the door know and one smaller below, then adding a quarter-round time to finish. I actually saw this idea on Pinterest. For lots of great ideas get onto Pinterest and search "Bedroom Door Makeover" and have fun looking!
  • Carolyn Carolyn on Nov 26, 2014
    the door could also match a wall color with the trim https://www.pinterest.com/pin/506303183079976558/
  • Carolyn Carolyn on Nov 26, 2014
    light gray is a neutral color also; as seen in this photo; just using one set of moldings on door: http://www.bedifferentactnormal.com/2009/07/closet-door-molding.html
  • GR GR on Nov 26, 2014
    Depends on your skill level, wood moldings/trim can really transform a door but Tris Smith's idea is probably easier to execute! I don't think we have that grooved panelling paper over here yet but you can get very cool faux wood wallpaper on ebay for about £10 a roll, in fact there is a great range of papers (brick, tin tiles etc) that would look very 'designer' :-) Top tip if you are thinking of papering a door is to put paste on the door and then dampen the paper before putting it up, as it helps prevent bubbling. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.