Refacing the front of a fireplace

by JBug
Would enjoy refacing the front of our fireplace and adding honest-to-goodness built-in cabinets and putting in a gas fireplace. What type of business do you hunt for in a phone book to reface a fireplace? What questions do you ask?
  5 answers
  • Debbie Harris Debbie Harris on Nov 27, 2014
    Start with the gas company. They can run the line and possibly refer you to local business for anything else.
    • JBug JBug on Nov 29, 2014
      @Debbie Harris ---- Thanks Debbie never thought of that. I appreciate your input.
  • Saz703268 Saz703268 on Nov 28, 2014
    When I built my house, I had the builder box in the fireplace, top and bottom. Then, since I had windows on both sides, we built a full wall of built ins on an adjacent wall. I drew the design, he tweaked it, then built in. It really made the room look spectacular. I actually stepped back the sections as it moved away from the center. I also added a lighted display shelf above. The builder was able to work around electrical, heat registers, etc. The man who did the actual work was a master carpenter. It cost $4500. It was a colonial and we had lots of moldings to match. I truly think it could be done by anyone with carpentry skills for a lot less. We did our basement fireplace with thin sheets of maple which we carried onto the walls. Depends on the look you're going for. So, try looking for a carpenter or check Angies's list online. I don't live in that house anymore but here's a pic from that shows something similar to what I did. Google "box in brick fireplace" and you"ll get lots of ideas. I think the more substantial it is, the better. You could just paint it white and add a wood mantel on top (stained or painted) and then add the built ins. The brass around it dates it. I would paint it black using high heat paint (like for bbq's). Good luck.
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    • JBug JBug on Nov 30, 2014
      @JBug Forgot to add #saz6289 this is exactly what I am wanting. Thanks again.
  • Wglindner Wglindner on Nov 28, 2014
    You have gas at your house first. Because some gas company won't run line. Or you could call a company that puts there gas drums in the ground. I went to a gas fireplace store and pick my wood looking logs out. I got one where it remote you set it to a certain temp. And it go off and if ten. Falls it comes back on. I think reface with would and shelf on both side
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Nov 29, 2014
    Personally, if it is wood burning, there's no way I would convert it. Refacing and building cabinets on either side is something that can be done without converting to gas.
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    • JBug JBug on Nov 30, 2014
      @Marion Nesbitt --- I Absolutely agree #Marion --- gas is going to be more expensive and healthier.