Once Again, ID Needed Re Characters in Entertainment

Yesterday (Thanksgiving), from the street where I live, I saw part of the Macy's 2014 Thanksgiving Parade. I posted some photo-ops (not the ones pictured here) of some balloon-characters acting like peeping toms and included a story-line for their motive on TLLG's FB Page.*
This year there were many newcomers to the line-up, including Thomas the Train, seen here in image one, and who I know through my nephew.
However, I'm not familiar with some of the other newcomers and am having difficulty finding out their idenity on the internet!
Last year, Douglas @ http://www.hometalk.com/douglashunt AND Jennifer @ http://www.hometalk.com/jenniferpospichal helped me solve a similar ID mystery.
If anyone out there in HT land knows who the 014 newbies in the Macy's Parade are, I would appreciate your info!
Meanwhile I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving and are continuing to receive the rewards of the season.
  8 answers
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Nov 28, 2014
    The yellow dog looking thing with the boy attached are Finn and Jake from Adventure Time. The big yellow thing with the white bunny attached is a Pikachu. I believe that's from the Pokemon anime series.
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @AvonelleRed Thanks for the info! It was a bit hard to get the parade stats because the Macy's Parade was stopped a NUMBER, and I do mean NUMBER of times by folks staging protests the decision of the trial in Ferguson. BUT that did not deter Snoop and Woodstock as evidenced by this photo-op. Hope you had a great T'giving!
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  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Nov 28, 2014
    The fiery looking guy is Eruptor, from Skylanders.
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @AvonelleRed Thanks again! I truly appreciate your taking the time to help me! You are a great ballon detective! Maybe this constable (pictured here as he was seen in the Macy's Parade) should hire you!
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  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Nov 28, 2014
    The black dragon in the bottom picture is Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon.
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @AvonelleRed OOPS! The Pillsbury Doughboy (pictured here) tells me I "shoulda" noticed your ID re Toothless because I took photo-ops of Toothless in bygone years! Oh, well ... perhaps my senior moments have started?
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  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Nov 28, 2014
    The girl with red hair and a blue coat holding an envelope is "Virginia", from "Yes, Virginia", an animated movie based on Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @AvonelleRed OMG! Dont' tell ANYBODY: I thought she was Dora the Explorer! I truly need to hang around with more kids! BUT, yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa, and he and his look a-likes visit my home for the holidays as seen in the attached images! Thanks again for your help, Aonelle! AND I hope you believe in Santa too AND that he is GOOD to you AND yours!
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  • Key876167 Key876167 on Nov 29, 2014
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @Keykat62 No, actually, as it turns out she is Virginia from "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." BUT, Don't feel to bad for not knowing, I thought she was Dora the Explorer! Btw, if you are Madeline fan, like yours truly, you might appreciate the attached images. They are pictures I took at a Madeline Exhibit at the NY Historical Society this past summer. I was not allowed to photograph the exhibit but I was permitted to take the attached pictures.
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  • Sue McGee Sue McGee on Nov 29, 2014
    The train is Thomas from Thomas the Tank Engine!
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @Sue McGee OOPS! PLS Don't tell my nephew (pictured here) about my faux pas! I plan to feature him in a post re garden hoses after 12-3-14. PLS stay tuned!
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  • Ean888966 Ean888966 on Nov 29, 2014
    Macey's Thanksgiving Parade, NYC
  • Dianna Ferguson Dianna Ferguson on Nov 30, 2014
    Its Thomas the tank engine not Thomas the train and most kids say Thomas the Tank.
    • TheLastLeafGardener TheLastLeafGardener on Nov 30, 2014
      @Dianna Ferguson As I said to HT voicer Sue M: "OOPS! PLS Don't tell my nephew, James (pictured here), about my "THOMAS" faux pas! I plan to feature him in a post re garden hoses after 12-3-14. PLS stay tuned!"
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