I need a cheap and efficient why to remove wallpaper and boarder

How can I remove old wallpaper or borders from my walls without damaging them?
  9 answers
  • Patti kelley Patti kelley on Dec 02, 2014
    The best thing I have found and the cheapest is vinegar and water in a spray bottle I heat up the water first and mix it with the vineger. Works perfectly and vinegar is very inexpensive.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Dec 03, 2014
    Did lots of this in my 100+ year old home. Not only the original wallpaper, but layers of paint and other wallpaper over it. The best investment I made was a wallpaper steamer. Score the surface, spray with hot water and keep the surface moist, and use the steamer. Scrape off with a flat bladed instrument. Make sure you rinse well to remove the residual glue. I use vinegar in the rinse water to help cut it.
  • Joan Williams Joan Williams on Dec 03, 2014
    I've had really good luck with hot water & white vinegar in a steamer or garden sprayer, just like Patti & Marion mentioned. The key is patience. Keep the paper moist for 20-30 minutes. Then use a wide metal putty knife to either pick up an edge to pull or scrap off a large section.
  • Kathy Swanzy Kathy Swanzy on Dec 03, 2014
    IF the wallpaper attached really well and in good condition, I was advised to Not remove it but instead to paint over it. The guys at Home Depot had the products there along with instructions. I haven't tried it yet but I have talked to other people who have and they said it works great!
  • Diane Fairbanks Diane Fairbanks on Dec 03, 2014
    I had an older home with plaster and lathe walls, and wallpaper was applied over them in the stairwell, where the plaster had obviously started to crack and it appeared that the wallpaper was holding things together well. I used OIL-based primer (latex would have caused the paper to possibly peel), and then two coats of latex paint, and it held up beautifully. As for removing wallpaper--in other areas of the house!--I used a garden sprayer filled with a little vinegar and hot water, after using the Paper Tyger to score the paper on the walls. Cheap and easy, though time consuming!
  • Sara Sara on Dec 04, 2014
    Water and downy in a spray bottle then scrape.
  • Patricia Patricia on Dec 04, 2014
    I have done this & the only thing I used was a spray bottle of warm to hot water, let it soak for about 5 to 10 minutes & it will just about slide off the wall. Use a putty knife to slip under the edge if needed. Have fun..
  • I would first try (as patricia stated) Hot water in a spray bottle. put towels down on the floor to help absorb the drips. Just keep spraying and soaking the walls. Using a putty knife angled at about 45 degrees and just sliding it under the paper at the seams to start. As Sara stated fabric softener works great too in hot water. vinegar is great for removing the residue and I use that last because the house will smell like a vinegar bottle. LOL I do not recommend every painting over it! sometimes the wallpaper can come off if it becomes wet. that is why it is never suggested to use latex primer or paint over wallpaper. There are scoring tools if it is vinyl and really glossy too. but I start at the seams or the top of the wallpaper to try and get the hot water to seep in. good luck!
  • The Chirping Frog The Chirping Frog on Dec 05, 2014
    I always use a vinegar and water solution.... works great. score the wall (they sell a tool for this at Home Depot or Lowe's) put your solution in a spray bottle. Nothing else needed but a plastic scraper. Sometimes it'll come off in two layers, a little more labor intensive but cheap.