What to do with glass top side tables

by Debra
I have a side table that has a glass top. I would like to paint the base but do not know what to do with the glass top to make it look more updated. I have seen some that have been painted with a mirror image but do not know how I would do this. Can anyone help with bringing this table to a more updated vision? I appreciate all and any suggestions.
  16 answers
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Dec 04, 2014
    Hi Debra- do you have a picture of the table so we can take a look at it?
  • Debra Debra on Dec 04, 2014
    It is just a regular square side table,nothing fancy. I am more concerned about what to do with the glass. I just want to change it up some way, just not keeping it plan glass.
    • Daveicrave Daveicrave on Dec 05, 2014
      @Debra There are many things you can do with the glass. You can paint it, stencil it, glue mosiac tiles on it, decopauge photos on it, glue fabric on it, .....
  • My father had some side tables and instead of glass, there were marble inserts. Maybe you could find some tile that you like (marble or not) and cut it to fit the insert?
  • Jenifer Richardson Jenifer Richardson on Dec 04, 2014
    Depending on the size of the glass, you could find some old frames at a second hand store that are missing the glass and use them in those! Our Lowes cuts glass to fit fairly inexpensive. As far as the table nice wood on the top, fresh paint of choice, fabric of choice etc new table! So many choices. Also you could combine the two glass pieces into one table, put your favorite pictures in between, update the table, and place it where company mainly sits or as an entryway piece! Ok I'm done😊 Good luck I'm a newbie so still learning. Thanks
  • Marjo Marjo on Dec 04, 2014
    Are you any good at doing mosaics? What if you went to the hobby store and bought some transparent mosaic pieces and glued them on underneath with E6000 glue?
    • See 2 previous
    • Marjo Marjo on Dec 05, 2014
      @Rosie Walsh I would think you'd want the top surface to be flat though. Using a clear glue and transparent colored mosaics underneath would keep your surface flat, but you could put them on top too, its up to you.
  • Laura Laura on Dec 04, 2014
    Mod Podge! I did paper bags on mine and then stained and topped with polycrylic. It looks great!
  • Debra Debra on Dec 04, 2014
    good idea's thank you
  • Tracy Jo Tracy Jo on Dec 05, 2014
    I did the glass tops in the paper bag trick too. The only thing is, next time I would use a darker colored paper. It is a fast and easy way to switch out the glass look. When I tire of these I will soak in the tub to remove and try something different.
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  • Jeannie Votteler Jeannie Votteler on Dec 05, 2014
    i would combine 2 of these fabulous ideas and go to the fabric store, pick your favorite, and mod podge it to the bottom of the glass.
  • Jeannie Votteler Jeannie Votteler on Dec 05, 2014
    pick YOUR favorite - I hate it when that happens!
  • Mabeline Mabeline on Dec 05, 2014
    Krylon makes a mirror-paint, but I have never used it. See website: http://www.krylon.com/products/looking-glass-mirror-like-paint/
  • The Chirping Frog The Chirping Frog on Dec 05, 2014
    I just mod podged pictures on mine.... love it. You could also use lace as an overlay and give it a delicate look with spray paint.
    comment photo
  • Eleanor P Eleanor P on Dec 05, 2014
    I have painted glass on the underside of the glass and it works just fine. If you so desire you could paint the base and the glass to match
  • Marjo Marjo on Dec 06, 2014
    The other thing you could do is go to the craft store and get some pretty scrapbooking papers and mod podge those to the underneath.
  • Debra Debra on Dec 07, 2014
    thank you everyone, you have given me some very good idea's