Hand painting a metal stand mixer

by Kay
I would like my son to custom paint a design onto my large KitchenAid stand mixer. What prep work needs to be done to the metal for the paint to adhere properly and what type of paint should be used?
  4 answers
  • Karen Bruton Karen Bruton on Dec 15, 2014
    I am thinking of doing the same thing! Saw this post under yours. Hope it helps! http://kellysmoonlight.blogspot.com/2012/11/a-beauty-aid-for-your-kitchenaid.html
  • Xueyin Chen Xueyin Chen on Dec 15, 2014
    You can use acrylic to paint it...:))
  • Dee Dee on Dec 17, 2014
    You can purchase dots, and stick them all over it rather than painting, hard to get a professional paint job unless you have pro equipment to use. I have a red kitchenaid, and put black stick on dots on it, looks like a giant ladybug, very cute and I can change it anytime.
  • Retro Steam Works Retro Steam Works on Dec 17, 2014
    In order for the paint to adhere properly, you need to sand the surface. Use 600 grit or higher wet sand paper, sand just to eliminate the gloss on the piece. Spray paint works better because it doesn't leave brush marks, just make sure to mask all parts you don't want pain on. I have used this technique in several of my pieces, it is widely used in the automotive industry.
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