Giving an old couch new life

Funny how a few cans of spray paint can turn an old metal outdoor couch into something really special! I bought this couch 2 years ago at a yard sale for $15.00, did'nt know how I was going to use it until this Fall. Everytime I look at it, Makes me love this time of the year even more!
Before Shot of the couch
Duke Manor Farm
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3 of 15 comments
  • Wendy L. Schmidt Wendy L. Schmidt on Nov 22, 2018

    I always wonder where people do this spray painting. I don't have an area for it and I know the spray goes everywhere.

    • Judy Gilland Judy Gilland on Nov 29, 2018

      You can paint outside if there’s no wind. Buy a big painters cloth or tarp for under the furniture to paint. Paint bottom first and let dry then flip over and finish off the top. Have fun.

  • P P on May 23, 2024

    Paint outside & avoid the wind! may be able to get a big cardboard box from appliance dealer or Lowe's/HomeDepot/Best Buy - refrigerator size or mattress size - unfold or cut open box enough to put furniture you want to paint INTO the box- sides of box to cover as many sides of furniture as possible to catch overspray - have to have at least one side open to get the spray can & hand in to do the spraying- but by doing a side then waiting til it drys then re-positioning can keep spray contained
