Ideas for design and fitting windows/doors to arches in Spanish villa

Denise Hardy
by Denise Hardy
This is our 2nd home in Alicante, Spain and are wanting to have these arches glassed in, but we want to be able to open the doors/windows. As you can see we have balustrading!
We are not sure on how the glass windows/doors will work and how they can be fitted. Do we keep the balustrading? If so, how would we be able to clean the balustrading/windows/doors. Keeping the Arch design is a must for us.
Therefore, ideas would be most welcome for the design and fitting of either windows or doors. You will see 4 arches to the left of the house - it is the front 2 large openings that we are wanting ideas for - as the small arch in the centre will be just glass and the far one that you can see through the furthest arch will have a door fixed.
  5 answers
  • Shira Shira on Dec 31, 2014
    @SLS Construction & Building Solutions LLC do you have any advice about this?
  • That is one you have to see to really be able to know what the real options are. I can see custom windows on top of the existing railing & some window &/or screen panels behind the balustrades that can be removed for cleaning. As for a door, it looks like there is no real room in the arch & you would have to set it back a little like I see on the right
  • Denise Hardy Denise Hardy on Jan 01, 2015
    Hi @SLS Construction & Building - thanks for your reply. The custom windows that you can see through the open arches are patio doors that lead into the lounge and also on that balcony is another set of patio doors to the right of those that lead into our dining area. The other windows/patio doors that are set back from the balustrading is a separate room - which we call the 'Sun Room' but the space in there is a good size - we don't have that much on the balconies for which I am wanting advice for. I enclose some more pictures to hopefully assist you in considering the project:) If you require anymore from different angles etc, then please advise. Thank you so much for your assistance :) Just to advise you the brown door/windows that you see are also getting a makeover with white UPVC double glazing.
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  • It looks like you could mount almost everything behind the balustrades / in the arch area which you might even be able to swing open for easy cleaning.
    • See 1 previous
    • @Denise Hardy I can't say I have any photos handy & most I have seen & done are actually meant for screen panels - granted we also left a means to swap out with a storm window for some of those. As you are going with a custom glass & door setup I would ask the company building those for photos of their work & possible samples
  • Denise Hardy Denise Hardy on Jan 06, 2015
    Ah... ok - thanks for trying to assist me anyway :)