Twin Headboard to Doggie Gate

Jan C
by Jan C
My daughter and I repurposed and upcycled this twin size headboard, which I garbage picked, into a heavy duty doggie gate. We have a German shepherd and a border collie who are either too large or too cunning to be contained by any other type of gate that we've installed. The space was 42 inches wide and the headboard fit perfectly. I used two heavy duty hinges on one side and two simple hook and eye bolts on the other side.
Here is a picture of our border collie accepting defeat at not being able to squeeze under the gate.
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2 of 6 comments
  • Susan-Amber Springer Susan-Amber Springer on Jan 02, 2015
    A great solution! I know your doggie dilemma exactly; we gate off certain parts of the house to prevent doggie "I'm bored, Ma" damage.
    comment photo
  • Capernius Capernius on Apr 27, 2015
    Ahem, Lady Jan C., the proper term to your "garbage picking" is "dumpster diving".....a more civilized term. ; ) all joking aside, if you want, take down the dogie door, fix the scratched up area, then cover it with Plexiglas. then let them scratch on it till the cows come home. or until pigs will not see the scratches & the door will last forever. as I said, this you do IF you want to.... I'm an avid Dumpster Diver too! : )