Help decorating my kitchen island

Here are a couple of photos for help decorating my island. Thank you so much everyone for your help. I appreciate it very much.
These are the shelves, I still need to line them with some nice shelf paper.
this is the other side and the top that I need some suggestions on decorating, thank you.
  8 answers
  • MaryStLouis MaryStLouis on Dec 31, 2014
    It looks like a mid-century modern piece due to the leg style and simple design. You could really go in any direction with this one. If you want to paint it is there an accent color that you're currently using in the kitchen/living room that you want to highlight?
  • Cheryl Cheryl on Dec 31, 2014
    This will look great! I would definitely paint, preferably with chalkpaint....lots of great ideas and tutorials on Pinterest. I would be very careful about any shelf paper....some are so tacky-looking:) Maybe a pretty oilcloth or fabric. I would get some matching baskets for storage; could also stack some pretty bowls on the shelves. I would keep it uniform, not cluttered. There is SO much you can do with this. I'm sure the ideas will be endless.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Dec 31, 2014
    Notice it has wheels. Have the drawers been removed? I would paint exterior to match my kitchen cabinets if this is its permanent home. Interior I would paint the colour of your backsplash.
  • Ijensen Ijensen on Dec 31, 2014
    What a fun piece!!!! Most furniture was made to go against the how about a little bead board on the backside? You could also tile the top part to make it easy to clean. Baskets are great for storing things in. My island has shelves on the front side, so I purchased the webbed baskets at Michaels, purchased some knobs at Hobby Lobby and attached the knobs to the front of the baskets. I keep plastic utensils in three of them, wax cubes/tarts in one and misc. items in the other 2.
    • See 2 previous
    • Michelle Roberts Michelle Roberts on Jan 02, 2015
      thanks so much.
  • Jackie Johnson Jackie Johnson on Dec 31, 2014
    If this was mine and I was trying to get the most silk out of the sow's ear, I would also take the back off, assuming it is not providing support to the structure for the whole thing. I would NOT use shelving paper. I would sand down the whole thing, and I would address the oddities in the way some pieces were joined if you can so that, with no finish, the whole piece doesn't look as though it's all stuck together like Lincoln Logs, and THEN I would think about the finish. You've already a good bit of contrast going between your maple cabinet doors and your moss tops and your white appliances and I'm not convinced you need a great deal more. I think your "island" is cherry, of the grain that I can see, and most people don't want to cover that up. My suggestion is to paint the shelves, both the tops and bottoms of the shelves, white. Maybe if you've got some skill as a faux painter you'll want to make it look like actual paper with some rows of rosebuds or ivy, but there's nothing wrong with some white. Tape it off and and spray it, surely. Don't try to brush it. Then clear coat everything else, the front frame, the back frame, the inside of the box itself, and of course the outside, the top and bottom. But you have to be careful here, at least for the top of the bar; you MUST use a finish that is "food safe". Nothing else, no other wording will do. If it was mine, I'd do the whole thing that way, but I'd read the whole label anyway. I want everyone to be as careful as I am about it. One bout of real food poisoning will do that for you. Well, I'm sure I've bored everyone enough now for you to realize that I was a professional kitchen designer for more than ten years, but if I'd had this. Happy New Year to all who are celebrating, and if you are drinking BE SAFE and BE SMART!
  • Jan hanes Jan hanes on Jan 01, 2015
    I would paint it off white ( or to match your cabinets) Change the feet to large oval rounds; in most areas you can find pieces of marble.....and most time the cutting is free or cheap. Another idea is add a concrete top in a darker stain....and make sure its about 2 inches in depth. You could also add a wine bottle depot or hooks to hang....or a cook book stand
  • Anna Pacheco Anna Pacheco on Jan 01, 2015
    You could add a marble (or anything else) counter top with about 10" overhang so you could use it as an island that you can add two stools and sit at. Also, add wire baskets where the drawers were. Home Goods has some inexpensive wire baskets.
  • Tania Claxton Tania Claxton on Jan 27, 2016
    What would you like to save? Make a mental image, Shape it!