Finishing the summer project, just in time for Fall

Wendy B
by Wendy B
4 Weeks
Well I started out weeding some hills around our gazebo...then hubby and I finished off with pergola's, waterfall with ponds and fish, a bridge or 2...a lot of stairs and pathways. Oh yes and let's NOT forget the firepit! I love the yard and I am in love with the fish!
our new waterfall, bridge, pond and the surrounding pathways it inspired
waterfall upward
bridge uptop downward
through the pergola down toward the pond and gazebo
Happy Fall Ya'll
And yes, on this day this man walked down the pathway to take my daughter as his wife...
and passed over some fish on the way
my very handsome hubby walking our daughter down that rather slippery pathway and across the bridge to begin her new life...
Okay this really only shows you that the bridge had a purpose...and that I have a most adorable family!
The couple amidst the landscape
the stone seat my hubby built in a day...and of course my way too cute grandson saying, "they just got married!"
a shot of the gazebo during the wedding!
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