How to Bedroom Decor

by Glamistahome
In this post I have some tips about decorating a bedroom. One of my very first posts was about bedroom decor and you enjoyed it, so I thought I share some tips and improved shots of where I lay my head to rest.
The preferred color pallet for my bedroom decor is very neutral. I love to decorate with white I typically reach for white sheets, using colorful accents only in a few throw pillows. While I love decorating with flowers in the living room areas, I prefer to keep those away from the bedrooms. Some flowers have intense smells and as mentioned above might trigger allergies.
But I love using candles to cozy-up the mood. Do you have a favorite candle you prefer lighting up in the bedroom?

While I believe that, as in any room, details are very important, sometimes making the bed “just right” makes the room appear so much more put together. Watch this short tutorial video how to make and style your bed He shares some great decor tips about the pillows.
Visit my blog for five easy tips how you can create a cozy and comfy bedroom.

Do you have a favorite bedroom detail that makes the room more special? Or is your bedroom a decor dilemma? Share in the comments.
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7 of 9 comments
  • 861650 861650 on Jan 14, 2015
    I love your beautiful bed and the colors are so soothing. I want to use white on my bed as well but I have two cats and they do go outside sometimes. So I am concerned that if I use white, it may stay dirty all the time. Any suggestions?
    • See 3 previous
    • 861650 861650 on Jan 14, 2015
      @Glamistahome I love to decorate and re-invent 'stuff.' We think along the same lines...changing curtains, pillows and accessories is a lot more inexpensive than replacing the bigger items. And, if I do not like the color of a item, I will paint it, faux finish it, decoupage it, etc. Taking it a step further, I have repainted mats in picture frames and changed the color of the frames. I have even added little dots of color to artwork if you can believe that! Last, I will never pay big money for decorative pillows if I can make it myself...but, sometimes you just have to splurge. The best to you and your little nuggets. LOL!
  • Suzanne Phillips Suzanne Phillips on Jan 14, 2015
    @glamistahome we are moving into a new home, I am not in the master bedroom, but want my room to feel warm and sofisicated. I am thinking of a darker gray wall with Black and White and a touch of red. I can not make up my mind as far as what color the headboard should be. I see black and gray pilliows sitting on the bed but do not know how to arrange colors, Black headboard with gray bedding, White with gray etc. any ideas. Thanks
    comment photo
    • Glamistahome Glamistahome on Jan 14, 2015
      @ @Suzanne Phillips Hello Suzanne, thank you for the question. You have picked a really beautiful inspiration room. Colors are a funny thing, especially in the bedroom. Red is a very passionate color and I have heard people complain that they can't rest. It's because they have a red color all over the bedroom. I would go with red only as an accent color in decorative pillows, throws, maybe a picture and flowers. If you choose red as a wall color I would go with the wall where you will rest your headboard. I personally like calmer, more neutral colors especially for the bedroom. Now for the pillows, you could go with a monochromatic look, but I would break it up, similarly to the picture, with your white linen pillows. So there is a little contrast and it's not too matchy-matchy, which makes it a little boring for the eye. Another alternative is of course to work with different textures of the same color. You can have leather, faux fur and linen or silk. My headboard is actually brown leather, I use white pillows to give it a nice contrast and brighten up the area. I add a few accent pillows in a different color. If you opt to go for a gray wall, I'd go with beige or gray and white pillows. Gray and white are great contrast colors. I'd have a max of 6 pillows on the bed. 4 white, 2 in an accent color. So for example, white, gray white or white on white (in different textures) and gray. If you like that black pillow, I'd select one to place in the middle. I hope that helped. Please let me know if you have any questions.