Eeeewh Tired Of Those Dressing Table Lights, In Your Bath?.......

Ana illausky
by Ana illausky
Dressing table lights! Well what can I say! They came with the house and fixture does not cost much. After buying bulbs for this fixture many times, which aren't cheep! Decided on a small make over to up date .
This area needs a make over as well!
Wowwwww what a big difference! also it uses energy efficient bulbs.The other fixture uses a lot of watts and also expensive. So happy with this new one!
The mirror also New, the one before was a just a large sheet of glass that covered the whole wall{ to large for the space].
Accessories from another room in the house, scented pine corns give off a nice scent.
I love this plaque, found on clearance at kohls for $2.34
I repainted this area of the bath room in a darker color,added picture,the shower curtain made,didn't find one I liked.Paint really makes a difference along with accessories on the cheep!
Ana illausky
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