Need a cat window door

by 861650
I have searched online for a cat window door. That said, I do not know which one is the best. I have seen comments that said the door itself would not shut properly and would let air in the house. I want something sturdy and that will last. I've even thought about building one since they are so expensive but then again, which door is the best. Any recommendations?
  7 answers
  • Linda Linda on Jan 18, 2015
    None of the pet door will keep the cold/hot air out of the house unless it is secured. A door that will lock would be the best and most likely the most sturdy.
  • Kaggybell Kaggybell on Jan 18, 2015
    I have one that is held closed with a magnet. Yes, it does let cold air in but just a little. It was purchased at Lowes.
  • 861650 861650 on Jan 18, 2015
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Michele McGinty McHugh Michele McGinty McHugh on Jan 18, 2015
    Do you mean a kitty door that goes into your exterior entrance door? You have to google weather proof or cold weather or extreme weather door.
    • See 2 previous
    • 861650 861650 on Jan 19, 2015
      @Michele McGinty McHugh Right now I live in a rental so I cannot use one in a door. But I do like your suggestion. Thanks!
  • Jill Jill on Jan 18, 2015
    This is the one that I have. It does a pretty good job, can be removed in the winter if it gets too cold out, or left in if the winter is mild. We used silicone around the window insert when putting it in our window to help with the drafts. We also fixed the window with a lock and screws so that it cannot be opened any further and on one can remove it to break in. The flap itself can be locked, and it's small enough. If you are using this in a window, just make sure there is room outside on the sill for the cat to sit and jump up and down on to get to it. We also have a doggy door by another company that was double doors and goes into the wall. They are insulated to keep the cold out this way and it works pretty good. You can probably get away with using one like this, but in a much smaller version.
    comment photo
    • 861650 861650 on Jan 18, 2015
      @Jill Thank you for all the great info. I want to make sure that the flap is sturdy enough and shuts properly. Also, I would be using it all year around. Have seen the one you have pictured and it is expensive. Is it of good quality? And, yes it will be used in a window leading to the front porch where I have placed a bench.
  • Jill Jill on Jan 18, 2015
    The quality isn't bad, but since we purchased it and installed it I have seen a few better ones out there (better as in more expensive!). There are some that fit into windows that are insulated now. This one wasn't. Mine is this exact one, and it's made of a metal, similar to the window frame of the window we have it in, and the center section where the door flap is, is a heavy duty plastic. I have thought of carefully taking it out and using a spray foam in the parts that are open to add insulation, as it does get a little cold to the touch being that it's metal. Others I have seen are plastic, but I wasn't too keen on those, as they might crack or break easier over time. Outside and inside we installed a shelf for a window box. Our cat just goes out and sits on the shelf and can jump to other things to get up and down. The best part, is that when the weather is bad, I lock the window and the cat can just look out the side windows (they are clear) and see everything that is going on outside.
    • 861650 861650 on Jan 19, 2015
      @Jill Thanks for all the great information! And again, my biggest concern is that the flap closes properly and is of good quality. I do not mind spending a little more and I like the idea of insulation. I even went to Petco and they do not carry the cat/door windows. Will continue my search!
  • 861650 861650 on Jan 19, 2015
    Thank you for the suggestions but this doesn't answer my question because I am asking what brand is the best. I have looked online many times and cannot determine which cat door window is a good quality and will last. However, I appreciate all the guys are so helpful!