Fireplace mantel

Jeff haun
by Jeff haun
How to build or buy a budget fireplace mantel
  5 answers
  • SindyBaron SindyBaron on Jan 19, 2015
    I built out my existing mantel by just laying on a larger board and adding decorative trim boards appr. 4 in wide. Caulk where you need to make it look seamless, prime it, then paint it with whatever color work for you. Good Luck!
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 19, 2015
    If you like contemporary, you could build it out and take it right to the ceiling. Then just add a large mirror or large piece of art.
  • There are several companies that sell DIY mantles and surrounds for this type of fireplace. You need to understand however it is critical that you respect the clearances from the manufacture of this unit before purchasing or building something that could possibly encroach those areas were clearance is required. Not sure what those are? If you open up the bottom grill you should find the manufacture label and if you are really lucky paperwork on install. In any case google, bing, or search the web for installation clearances for that model, and make unit. Once you have that you can do lots of great things with trims or those kits that are available as aftermarket items.
  • Barb Burnham Barb Burnham on Jan 20, 2015
    If you live in an area of forestry, try to get a piece if wood with the bark still on it for the top. Coat with poly after staining or just leave natural. Just replace top board. The contrast would be lovely.
  • Suzanne Melton Suzanne Melton on Jan 24, 2015
    We aren't finished but Dave's using 1 1/8" HDF (auction) for the "fireplace" (fake). The white shelf rolls out on drawer gliders so we can mount the cable box, DVD/Blue Ray player, etc. The gray (primer now) "door" needs a couple chains so it doesn't drop more than 90 degrees. He's also using the HDF to make the bookcases (estate sale) and CD cases (craigslist) and the hearth.
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