Updating this bathroom space

by Joe1111656
My worst nightmare is this bathroom space for storing. The huge fluorescent lights you can see and the ugly walls and tile...please help.
  7 answers
  • Lucy Nunn Lucy Nunn on Jan 20, 2015
    Does the tile go into a tub or shower? If not, I found that kind of tile just literally fell off my walls with a little tap with a chisel. Personally, I like that color tile, it's retro, but I also had to remove it. The ceiling fixture is the easiest thing EVER! Make sure your electric is off, and it is a cinch to replace. The fixture is big, but the part that's actually attached to the ceiling is not. You will probably have to spackle some screw holes and repaint, but you can easily attach a new light. Good luck. It's a super fun update.
    • Joe1111656 Joe1111656 on Jan 20, 2015
      No it does not the tub and shower are in like an adjoining room you walk in the door its a shower and tub and then a toilet and sink...
  • Cyndi Moore Tippett Cyndi Moore Tippett on Jan 20, 2015
    The horrible light can be taken down and replaced with a track light. They are awesome. You can get as many lights as you want and then you can set them to the direction you need light. Have replaced them to track lighting in my kitchen, master closet and I love them. The tile, I am told you can paint over...haven't done it...yet.
  • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Jan 20, 2015
    I say go Art Deco on that bathrooms ... ! Take the light out, the storage compartment...think green white and black... let your mind go with it! Pulled a couple images off the net, I just searched "green art deco bathroom"
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  • MBLori MBLori on Jan 21, 2015
    I think Donna has the right idea. Go with the green. That tile will last forever. Believe me, pulling it off is a task!
  • Barbara Barbara on Jan 22, 2015
    I agree with the above comments. I would definitely change the lights and maybe add some pictures, or other neat wall art. The green tile actually looks nice.
  • Joe1111656 Joe1111656 on Jan 23, 2015
    I agree...just hope that med cabinet can be removed easy...excited about changing that light I'm so glad it doesn't take a lot of work I will be posting some other photos of this bathroom I need storage space thank you everyone.
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Mar 31, 2015
    If you need storage, you could just remove the cabinet door and have some baskets for items on the open shelves - it would make the cabinet look less bulky and more interesting. Then you'd have the cabinet door to make something out of (a sign? a step stool? a magazine rack?)