My living/dinning room

by Joanne
Thank you everyone for all of your wonderful suggestions. There is no way I would of done this on my own. I haven't chosen a paint color. Any suggestions now that I am finished?
Thanks again
  17 answers
  • Wow...what a good job ! The few things I might add : art seems a bit small,it seems ' Lost ' on the wall. ... I would upgrade that to a larger piece , or a wall gallery of a few more added pieces of art ( all frames the same finish , and various sizes ) . The rug is really nice ! I was thinking maybe one more chair ...and it doesnt have to be ' matching' the other one. Just for balance. :) Scale to other one, or if you find a matching set of great chairs for cheap , that would be nice. perhaps move the rug a bit closer to the sofa, and elevate some objects on the coffee table..using books, and perhaps a container of flowers or some candles . :)
  • Bonnie Paterson Bonnie Paterson on Jan 24, 2015
    pull the sofa just until the front feet are on the rug, already a big improvement!
  • Kimberly Layson Ambrose Kimberly Layson Ambrose on Jan 24, 2015
    Great. Lower art. Eye level for 5'7". Rug under sofa 4-5 inches at least. Love those pillows
  • Barb Burnham Barb Burnham on Jan 24, 2015
    Bonnie is right about sofa. Put a sofa table behind it and lamp for those sitting reading, etc. With feet off rug it makes rug look too small or shrunken. Wall color: Behr's Wheat Bread or Benjamin Moore's Pashmina would be awesome and let your existing color pop. Those are "greige" colors on the warmer side taupes. Would pull that color from your rug and let your reds shine. While searching for another opportunity to be creative (sofa table), pick up other pieces to fill in that don't look all matchy, but collected over the years. Good luck on a great start!
  • Joanne Joanne on Jan 24, 2015
    Thankyou. I need all the help I can get. Haha
  • Elaine Shoyren Morris Elaine Shoyren Morris on Jan 24, 2015
    I would put a matching loveseat on that wall instead of the chair.
  • Judianni Judianni on Jan 24, 2015
    what a nice change! It's fun to see the way you have incorporated suggestions from so many people into a very pleasant room. Enjoy it!
    • See 3 previous
    • Joanne Joanne on Jan 25, 2015
  • V Valencia V Valencia on Jan 24, 2015
    It appears that the rug and pillows have a "sagey", greyish green color...perhaps that would work on the walls. I would take that pillow with the flowers on it to the paint store with me and match the color. If you feel that color is too saturated (dark), then go for a lighter version of the color. Usually the paint chips have color ranges from light to dark on them. So you could choose a lighter, similar color. It is hard to access the traffic pattern of the room, but it does look like the sofa blocks the walkway into the dining area. So like others have mentioned, you need to move the sofa forward. If your window has a nice view and is your focal point, I would suggest beefing it up with a table or other low piece. Think of a red bench or pouf(s) I would add a tall bookcase or cabinet on the wall that current has the artwork and place the matching chair with one of the tables at an angle facing the the sofa.
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  • Yvonne Day Aka Miss Ruby Yvonne Day Aka Miss Ruby on Jan 24, 2015
    Love everyone's input on here! I do have a question, did you ever try putting the couch in front of the window? You could put a sofa table behind it with an uplight. This will look really pretty at night. I did this at a house so that when you have company and you are at the dinning table their back in not against you. If you do this you can then move the china cabinet into the middle of that wall giving more room to the dinning table and making it a focal point. If you do that I would put a color or pattern in the back of the shelves on the unit and put something on top of it to add height. If you do move it around , let us see some more pictures,
  • Katie Katie on Jan 24, 2015
    WOW! Way to go! It's looking really great. I do agree the pictures are a little high and moving the sofa to the window with a sofa table behind it will really open up the space. As far as wall colour, look to your accessories. The only other thing I might suggest is to remove your curtains and replace them with bamboo blinds. It will add needed texture. You can put them either behind or in front of your sheers (mine are behind). I would use the same blinds on the dining room window. There are lots of great idea and you've done an awesome job! I would love to see more pics when you're completely satisfied and done!
  • Bernice H Bernice H on Jan 24, 2015
    What an awesome difference. Yes some of these ideas may be incorporated, but what a major dif already! It looks so cozy and neat and tidy. I agree, a sofa table behind the sofa with a lamp for reading. The rug pulled close to the! good for you!
  • Patricia Goodnough Patricia Goodnough on Jan 24, 2015
    looks great!
  • Susan sapp Susan sapp on Jan 26, 2015
    Very welcoming and so pretty.... Great look!
  • Sharon Sharon on Feb 07, 2015
    Hi Joanne. I love the changes u made. I think your walls need a color different than the couch & curtains. Both rooms should be painted the same. Depending on ur preference, try a pale blue (think washed denim), gray (with either blue, green or pink undertones). Greens are trickier but if you do want to use it, pick one with blue undertones, not yellow. Color will make ur wood and neutrals richer. Hopefully one of those is in your carpet that u can pull from. I don't like the two lamps on the same wall. Any chance it could go on the side of the sofa where the plant is? I hope you love ur new floor plan, it looks great!
    • Joanne Joanne on Feb 07, 2015
      Thankyou Sharon. Still haven't chosen a color, but I will certainly consider those colors. I was thinking of grays. I will move the other table to see what it looks like. What color would you suggest for an accent chair? Another linen with a different pillow?
  • Lori Lori on Mar 18, 2015
    Hi Joanne. I'm sure I read that you are done. It looks great. An occasional chair, maybe an armless slipper type chair, in a pattern with red in it, would be nice in the other corner, if you want another chair. The sofa is perfect there, facing the window.
  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Mar 17, 2018

    Well you asked about color I would have to first ask if there is a shade of grey in your rug? If yes then I would go with a grey but not a cold grey a warm grey and I wouldn't go to dark just enough to notice a change. But first try a sample on a board next to your drapes because they appear to be a warm cream color so make sure that whatever color you choose ,if you are keeping yourdrapes,that you like the contrast. Not everyone want to go that drastic. I suggested that because of the pillows on your sofa. Now those can be easily switched out so that then any color would look great. I would then pick whatever color brings a small to your face and makes you happy to be in that room.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 17, 2018

    Being a decorative painter, I could also see picking up that red cushion color in some wide red stripes. Another option would be to do some monochromatic stripes of the same color but two finishes like keeping your current flat color and painting a satin stripe on the wall....

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