What should I add?

by Goodcoffee
I just finished staining my moms 25 yrd barn table, now I need ideas to decorate. I feel I need something next to the mirror. What do you think ?
  9 answers
  • Patty Patty on Jan 26, 2015
    What about sconces on either side?
  • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Jan 26, 2015
    Because it's a barn table...beautiful job btw. How about relaxing the look by moving the mirror over and balancing it with smaller pieces.
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  • LibrarianTellsAll LibrarianTellsAll on Jan 26, 2015
    I'd move the mirror off-center, and hang a lot of small framed pictures as a gallery wall. You can even find lots of inexpensive, smaller-scale art in a coffee table book at a thrift store. But first, I'd cover that tile floor with a rug! I love a rug under the dining table. Just make sure it's large enough that the chairs all sit on the rug, even when they're pushed out.
  • Rusty Sinn Rusty Sinn on Jan 26, 2015
    For the mirror wall, how about finding other mirrors of various sizes to add to the one you already have. You didn't ask about your table, but I would suggest using fewer larger items instead of a lot of little items. The table is really pretty, so you don't need much.
  • Belinda Todd Belinda Todd on Jan 26, 2015
    I like the idea of multiple mirrors
  • Glamistahome Glamistahome on Jan 27, 2015
    Is there an option to add wallpaper on the particular wall or chair rail? It will add some structural interest to the wall. A pattered wallpaper will make a big impact and create a nice focal point. I would also change out the light fixture. The fan makes the ceiling look very low. Also, swap out the light bulbs for some that give out yellow light instead of white or blue. Yellow light will make the space more inviting and warm. I would also hang the mirror horizontally, not vertically. At last, another idea would be to create a big arrangement on the table that would make the table a focal point. I'd go with a vertical arrangement. :)
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Jan 27, 2015
    Hi goodcoffee (love the name, BTW), the table looks great, especially with your mismatched collection of chairs and benches. So you need to create some visual interest on that back wall that matches the style of the dining set. Since you don't show the rest of the room, I am not sure what the color scheme would be. But that wall would look great painted in an accent color. Since the table is barnwood, how about creating a rustic vignette wall starting with an old 6 pane window? You can either leave it as glass or create light reflection by painting the glass with mirror paint. Then hang a rustic barnwood shelf under that-you could use some of the items you have on the table to stage it- and then hang some vintage photos or favorite pictures on the wall along side the window.
    • Goodcoffee Goodcoffee on Jan 27, 2015
      @Sue@CountryDesignHome I added a black and white pillow, but don't have a color scheme. :(
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Jan 27, 2015
    Well, then black and white and the blueish color of the barn board table is your color scheme : ) Go with it!
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 27, 2015
    You won't need to add anything if you change the orientation of the mirror from vertical to horizontal. Then it will be similar in width to the table, and to the dark bench at the end of the table.