
Updating our entryway. We moved into our home 8 months ago and I have been slowly working on ways to make it more personal and definitely an expression of us. Here is what I have worked on so far.
The entry as it was when we moved in
When I first started my gallery wall.... photos from special places in our lives including all five states we have lived in
Updated with new wall color .... "Sparrow" by Behr from Home Depot
Carried the photo gallery to the ceiling
Jennifer Watkins-Jones
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  • Chelsea Pearce Chelsea Pearce on Feb 06, 2016
    What size frames? Have a wall similar would like to do this.
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  • Helen Helen on Oct 12, 2015
    Where did you find the pyramid shaped tower with drawers? I have a wall in my entryway that would be perfect for that.
  • Yvonne Gustafson Yvonne Gustafson on Jun 26, 2018

    Love your foyer display. I purchased many small wood clever sayings and stuck them on my wall on both sides of my front door. Using the Velcro picture hanging tape allows me to remove them easy and put my Christmas pictures up during the Christmas season without damaging the walls

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